Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale

Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale (SAS)
Beck‚ Epstein‚ Harrison‚ & Emery‚ 1983
مقیاس جامعه گرایی - خودپیروی
1.    I feel I have to be nice to other people.
2.    It is important to me to be free and independent.
3.    It is more important that I know I’ve done a good job than ha‎ving others know it.
4.    I enjoy doing things more when I am with other people.
5.    I am afraid of hurting other people’s feelings.
6.    It bothers me when people try to direct my behavior or activities.
7.    I find it difficult to say “no” to people.
8.    I feel bad if I do not have some social plans for the weekend.
9.    I like being a unique individual more than being a member of a group.
10.When I feel sick‚ I like to be left alone.
11.I am concerned that if people knew my faults or weaknesses they would not like me.
12.If I think I am right about something‚ I feel comfortable expressing myself even if others don’t like it.
13.When visiting people‚ I get fidgety just sitting around talking and would rather get up and do something.
14.It is more important to meet your own goals on a task than to meet another person’s goals
15.I do things that are not in my best interest in order to please others.
16.I like to take long walks by myself.
17.I tend to be direct with people and tell them what I think.
18.I am more concerned that people like me than I am about making important achievements.
19.I would be uncomfortable dining out in a restaurant by myself.
20.I don’t enjoy myself when I feel that someone in my life doesn’t really care about me.
21.I am not influenced by others in what I decide to do.
22.It is very important that I feel free to get up and go wherever I want.
23.I value work accomplishments more than I value making friends.
24.I find it important to be in control of my emotions.
25.I get uncomfortable when I am not sure how I am expected to behave in front of others.
26.I feel more comfortable helping others than receiving help.
27.It would not be much fun for me to travel to a new place all alone.
28.If a friend has not called for a while‚ I get worried that he or she has forgotten me.
29.It is more important to be active and doing things than being close with other people.
30.I get uncomfortable around a person who clearly does not like me.
31.If a goal is important to me‚ I try for it even if it makes other people uncomfortable.
32.I find it difficult to be separated from people I love.
33.Once I make a decision‚ I rarely change my mind.
34.When I achieve a goal‚ I get more satisfaction from achieving the goal than from praise I might get from others.
35.I am careful about what I say because I am concerned that others may disapprove or disagree.
36.I get lonely when I am home by myself at night.
37.I often find myself thinking about friends or family.
38.I prefer to make my own plans‚ so I am not controlled by others.
39.I can comfortably be by myself all day without feeling a need to have someone around.
40.If somebody criticizes how I look‚ I feel I am not attractive to other people.
41.It is more important to get a job done than to worry about other people’s reactions.
42.I like to spend my free time with others.
43.I don’t like to answer personal questions because it feels like an invasion of my privacy.
44.When I have a problem‚ I like to go off on my own and think it through rather than being influenced by others.
45.In relationships‚ people often are too demanding of each other.
46.I am uneasy when I cannot tell whether or not someone I’ve met likes me.
47.I set my own standards and goals for myself rather than accepting those of other people.
48.I apologize to others more than I need to.
49.I prefer to “work out” my personal problems by myself.
50.It is important for me to be liked and approved by others.
51.I enjoy accomplishing things whether or not I get credit for them.
52.ha‎ving close ties with other people makes me feel secure.
53.When I am with other people‚ I look for signs of whether or not they like being with me.
54.I like to go off on my own‚ exploring new places – without other people.
55.If I think somebody may be upset at me‚ I want to apologize.
56.I like to be certain that there is somebody close can contact in case something unpleasant happens to me.
57.I feel trapped when I have to sit through a long meeting.
58.I don’t like people to invade my privacy.
59.I feel uncomfortable when I feel I am not like everyone else.
60.When I am working on a difficult problem‚ I prefer to work it out myself than have someone show me how to do it.
61.The worst part about being in jail would be not being able to move around freely.
62.The worst part about growing old is being left alone.
63.I worry that somebody I love will die.
64.Even if I think others will reject me‚ I still stand up for my rights.
65.I get very annoyed when a task is not completed.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این مقیاس جهت گیری فرد به خود یا جامعه را اندازه گیری می کند. در منابع گوناگون این مقیاس 60 ماده ای گزارش شده است.
در ایران: محمدعلی بشارت (1380) ویژگی های روان سنجی آن را گزارش کرده است.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی، آلفا کرونباخ 0.79-0.94 برای جامعه گرایی و 0.83-0.95 برای خودپیروی
نمره گذاری:
1= Not at All‚ 2= A Little‚ 3=Some‚ 4= Much‚ 5= Very Much
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Beck‚ A. T.‚ Epstein‚ N.‚ Harrison‚ R. P.‚ & Emery‚ G. (1983).Development of the Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale: A measure of personality factors in psychopathology‚ Unpublished manuscript‚ Philadelphia: Center for Cognitive Therapy‚ University of Pennsylvania Medical School.
Beck‚ A. T. (1987). Cognitive model of depression.Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy‚ 1‚ 2–27.
Clark‚ David A‚. Beck‚ Aaron T. (1991). Personality factors in dysphoria: A psychometric refinement of beck's Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment‚ 13(4)‚ 369–388.
Clark‚ D.A.‚ Steer‚ R.A.‚ Beck‚ A.T.‚ Ross‚ L. (1995). Psychometric ch‎aracteristics of revised Sociotropy and Autonomy Scales in college students. Behav Res Ther‚33(3)‚ 325-34.
Bieling‚ P.J.‚ Beck‚ A.T.‚ Brown‚ G.K. (2000). The Sociotropy–Autonomy Scale: Structure and Implications. Cognitive Therapy and Research‚ 24(6)‚ 763–780
بشارت، محمدعلی.(۱۳۸۰) . مقایسه مشخصه های تهییج طلبی، جامعه گرایی و خودپیروی. دانشجویان ورزشکار و غیرورزشکار". مجله علوم روان شناختی، شماره ۱ ،صص۷۰_