Attitude Toward Rape ATR

Attitude Toward Rape (ATR)
Feild‚ H.S. (1978)
مقیاس  نگرش به تجاوز
[a] A woman can be raped against her will
[b] The reason most rapists commit rape is for the thrill of physical violence
[c] Rapists are “normal” men
[d] In forcible rape‚ the victim never causes the crime
[e] All rapists are mentally sick
[f] A ch‎arge of rape two days after the act has occurred is probably not rape
[g] A woman should be responsible for preventing her own rape
[h] A man who has committed rape should be given at least 30 years in prison
[i] Women are trained by society to be rape victims
[j] A raped woman is a less desirable woman
[k] During a rape a woman should give no resistance
[l] Rape provides the opportunity for many rapists to show their manhood
[m] Women provoke rape by their appearance or behaviour
[n] “Nice” women do not get raped
[o] Most ch‎arges of rape are unfounded
[p] In order to protect the male‚ it should be difficult to prove that a rape has occurred
[q] Rape is the expression of an uncontrollable desire for sex
[r] Rape is the worst crime that can be committed
[s] Rape is a sex crime
[t] All rape is a male exercise in power over women
[u] During a rape‚ a woman should do everything she can do to resist
[v] Rapists are sexually frustrated individual
[w] In most cases when a woman was raped‚ she was asking for it
[x] The reason most rapists commit rape is for sex
[y] Rape of a woman by a man she knows can be defined as “woman who changed her mind afterwards”
[z] A convicted rapist should be castrated
[aa] A woman should feel guilty following a rape
[bb] The degree of a woman’s resistance should be the major factor in determining if a rape has occurred
[cc] A raped woman is a responsible victim‚ not an innocent one
[dd] Rape serves as a way to put or keep women in their “place”
اعتبار : آلفا کرونباخ هنگامی که به عنوان بخشی از یک مقیاس بزرگتر – ترکیبی از این گویه ها و گویه های "برت" Burt 1980 و " وارد"  Ward 1988به کار گرفته شده است 0.85.
این ابزار دارای هشت خرده مقیاس درباره نگرش های گوناگونی از چرایی تجاوز و چگونگی برخورد با متجاوز را در بر دارد.
کلید واژه
  • Rape
  • Violence
نشانی دسترسی
This instrument can be found on page 28 of Measures for the assessment of dimensions of violence against women: A compendium Compiled by Michael Flood‚ available online at:
رده سنی : گروه سنی دبیرستانی و بالاتر
اجرا و نمره گذاری: مقیاس لیکرت شش درجه ای.
1=strongly agree  to 6=strongly disagree
Feild‚ H.S. (1978). Attitudes toward rape: A comparative analysis of police‚ rapists‚ crisis counselors‚ and citizens. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 36‚ 156-179.
سایت روان سنجی : همه آگاهی ها درباره آزمون از نشانی درون متن برداشته شده است.