Index of Spouse Abuse‚ Partner Abuse Scale: Physical (ISA-P)
Coker AL‚ Pope BO‚ Smith PH‚ Sanderson M‚ Hussey JR‚ 2001
مقیاس بدرفتاری شریک زندگی
Description of how your partner makes you feel:
1. He makes me feel unsafe even in my own home
2. I feel ashamed of the things he does to me
3. I try not to rock the boat because I am afraid of what he might do
4. I feel like I am programmed to react in a certain way to him
5. I feel like he keeps me prisoner
6. He makes me feel like I have no control over my life‚ no power‚ no protection
7. I hide the truth from others because I am afraid not to
8. I feel owned and controlled by him
9. He can scare me without laying a hand on me
10. He has a look that goes straight through me and terrifies me
شرح سایت روان سنجی: خشونت جسمی و عاطفی را می سنجد.
نمره گذاری:
7= All of the time‚ 6= Most of the time‚ 5= A good part of the time‚ 4= Some of the time‚ 3= A little of the time‚ 2= Very rarely‚ 1= None of the time
Scoring: Sum the responses‚ subtract the number of questions actually answered (n = 15) and multiply by 100‚ then divide by 90. Scores > 2 indicate physical interpersonal violence.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع و ماخذ
Coker AL‚ Pope BO‚ Smith PH‚ Sanderson M‚ Hussey JR. (2001). Assessment of clinical partner violence screening tools. Journal of American Medical Women’s Association;56:19-23.