Intrusiveness Scale
Whitford & Howells‚ 2000
مقیاس رفتار مداخله جویانه
1. I asked my partner where they had been and what they had been doing.
2. I checked through my partner’s belongings such as their wallet/purse‚ bags or pockets.
3. I looked through my partner’s personal diary or journal without them knowing
4. I read my partner’s personal mail without them knowing.
5. I pressed the re-dial button on my partner’s telephone to see who they had recently called.
6. I secretly listened in on my partner’s phone calls either on another phone or by listening in the next room.
7. I telephoned my partner when they were away from me to check up on where they were.
8. I arrived at places unexpectedly to see where my partner was and what they were doing.
9. I secretly watched my partner from a distance to see what they were doing.
10.I secretly followed my partner to see where they were going and what they were doing.
11.I broke into my partner’s property‚ such as their car or house‚ to look around. (*only endorsed by one respondent)
12.I checked my partner's underwear or bed linen for signs of lovemaking.
13.I hired someone to follow my partner to see what they were doing or who they were with
14.I have 'bugged' telephones or used surveillance equipment in rooms to check up on my partner's movements or conversations
15.I have purposefully stayed in the room with my partner when they have been entertaining guests to keep an eyeon what they are saying and doing.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار فراوانی و شدت رفتارهای مداخله جویانه (فضولی) درباره شریک زندگی را می سنجد. سه خرده مقیاس " شواهد فضولی پنهانی"، " پاییدن" و " تک گویه " است. گویه های 13 و 14 در تحلیل عاملی نیامده است.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی برای هر یک از خرده مقیاس ها به شرح زیر است.
Evidence Seeking (alpha 0.79)‚ Surveillance (alpha 0.78)‚ and item 1‚ Total (alpha = .87).
نمره گذاری:
"never" (0) to "all the time" (5)
"not distressing at all" (1) to "devastating" (10).
Evidence seeking items: (2‚ 3‚ 5‚ 6‚ 11‚ 12 and 15) and Surveillance items: (4‚ 7‚ 8‚ 9‚ and 10)‚ socially positive (item 1)
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Whitford‚ Hayley S.‚ Howells‚ Kevin. (2000). Stalking in domestic relationships: Preliminary analyses of The Intrusiveness Scale. Paper presented to the Australian Institute of Criminology Conference‚ Stalking: The Criminal Justice Response. Sydney‚ Australia‚ 7-8 Dec.