Gottman Sound Relationship House Questionnaires- Shared Meanings

Gottman Sound Relationship House Questionnaires- The Shared Meanings Questionnaire
John M. Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman‚ 1999‚ 200-2004
آوای رابطه در خانه- پرسشنامه اشتراک معنا
1 = True
2 = False
Your Rituals:
1.    We see eye-to-eye about the rituals that involve family dinner times in our home.
2.    Holiday meals (like Thanksgiving‚ Christmas‚ and Passover) are very special and happy times for us.
3.    Reun‎ions at the end of each day in our home are generally special times in my day.
4.    We see eye-to-eye about the role of TV in our home.
5.    Bedtimes are generally good times for being close.
6.    During weekends we do a lot of things together that we enjoy and value.
7.    We have the same values about entertaining in our home (ha‎ving friends over‚ parties‚ etc.)
8.    When I become sick I feel taken care of and loved by my partner.
9.    I really look forward to and enjoy our vacations and the travel we do together.
10.The mornings together are special times for me.
11.When we do errands together we generally have a good time.
12.We have a way of becoming renewed and refreshed when we are burned out or fatigued.
Your Roles:
1.    We share many similar values in our roles as lovers and partners.
2.    (If relevant) We share many similar values in our roles as mother and father.
3.    We have many similar views about what it means to be a good friend to others.
4.    My partner and I have compatible views about the role of work in one’s life.
5.    My partner and I have similar philosophies about balancing work and family life.
6.    My partner supports what I would see as my basic mission in life.
7.    My partner shares my views on the importance of family and kin (sisters‚ brothers‚ moms‚ dads) in our life together.
Your Goals:
1.    We share many of the same goals in our life together.
2.    If I were to look back on my life in very old age‚ I would see that our paths in life had meshed very well.
3.    My partner values my own accomplishments.
4.    My partner honors my own very personal goals‚ unrelated to my relationship.
5.    We share many of the same goals for others who are important to us (children‚ kin‚ friends‚ and community).
6.    We have very similar financial goals.
7.    We tend to have compatible financial disaster scenarios (ones we both want to avoid).
8.    Our hopes and aspirations‚ as individuals and together‚ for out children‚ for our lives in general‚ and for our old age are quite compatible.
9.    Our life dreams rend to be similar or compatible.
10.Even when different‚ we have been able to find a way to honor our life dreams.
Your Symbols:
1.    We see eye-to-eye about what “home” means.
2.    Our philosophies about what love ought to be are quite compatible.
3.    We have similar values about the importance of “peacefulness” in our lives.
4.    We have similar views about the meaning of “family.”
5.    We have similar views about the role of sex in our lives.
6.    We have similar views about the role of love and affection in our lives.
7.    We have similar values about the meaning of being married.
8.    We have similar values about the importance and meaning of money in our lives.
9.    We have similar values about the importance of education in our lives.
10.We have similar values about the importance of “fun” and “play” in our lives.
11.We have similar values about the significance of adventure.
12.We have similar values about “trust.”
13.We have similar values about personal “freedom.”
14.We have similar values about “autonomy” and “independence.”
15.We have similar values about sharing “power” in our relationship.
16.We have similar values about being “interdependent‚” of being a “we.”
17.We have similar values about the meaning of “ha‎ving possessions‚” of “owning things” (like cars‚ nice clothes‚ books‚ music‚ a house‚ and land).
18.We have similar values about the meaning of “nature‚” and our relationship to the seasons.
19.We are both sentimental and tend to reminisce about things in our past.
20.We have similar views about what we want in retirement and old age.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: "جان گاتمن" فردی صاحب نام در زمینه مطالعات علمی در زمینه ازدواج برای چهار دهه است. او مدلی "1994" و ابزارهایی برای پیش بینی و پایایی زندگی مشترک بر پایه کارهای بالینی ارائه کرد.
Friendship & Intimacy
      Love Maps
      Fondness and Admiration
      Turning Toward or Away
      Emotional Distance and Loneliness
      Harsh Startup
      The Four Horsemen
      Gridlock on Perpetual Issues
      Accepting Influence
Conflict Processes
      Negative Sentiment Override
      Effective Repair Attempts
      Shared Meaning Rituals
      Shared Meaning Roles
      Shared Meaning Goals
      Shared Meaning Symbols
اعتبار: مقیاس ها ، آلفا کرونباخ (شوهر، زن)
برای آگاهی بیشتر گزارش روایی و اعتبار را ببینید.
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: Healthy Marriages Compendium‚ Part 2
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Gottman‚ J. M. (1999). The marriage clinic: A scientifically based marital therapy. New York‚ NY: W.W. Norton & Company
Gottman‚ J.M. & Silver‚ N. (1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. New York‚ NY: Crown Publishers‚ Inc
Navarra‚ Robert J.‚ Gottman‚ John M. & Gottman‚ Julie Schwartz. Sound Relationship House Theory and Relationship and Marriage Education:at: James J. Ponzetti‚ Jr.(2016). Evidence-based Approaches to Relationship and Marriage Education. Routledge; 93-107
آذر 1402
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اسفند 1395
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