Bullying Prevalence Questionnaire

Bullying Prevalence Questionnaire (BPQ)
The Peer Relations Questionnaire (PRQ) For Children
Ken Rigby & Phillip Slee‚ 1993
پرسشنامه شیوع قلدری
1.    I like playing sport
2.    I get good marks in class
3.    I get called names by others
4.    I give soft kids a hard time
5.    I like to make friends
6.    I play up in class
7.    I feel I can't trust others
8.    I get picked on by others
9.    I am part of a group that goes round teasing other
10.I like to help people are being harassed
11.I like to make others scared of me
12.Others leave me out of things on purpose
13.I get into fights at school
14.I like to show others that I'm the boss
15.I share things with others
16.I enjoy upsetting wimps someone I can easily beat
17.I like to get into a fight with someone I can easily beat
18.Others make fun of me
19.I get hit and pushed around by others
20.I enjoy helping others
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این پرسشنامه به بررسی میزان شیوع و رواج قلدری نزد کودکان و مدرسه می پردازد. دارای سه خرده مقیاس "قلدر"، "قربانی" و "اجتماعی" است.
در ایران : افضل اکبری بلوطبنگان و سیاوش طالع پسند (1394)، ساختارعاملی و ویژگس های روان سنجی این پرسشنامه را در مدارس متوسطه بررسی کرده اند.
Victim Scale: 3‚ 8‚ 12‚ 18‚ 19.
Pro-Social Scale: 5‚ 10‚ 15‚ 20
Filler items: 1‚ 2‚ 6‚ 7‚ 13
اعتبار: آلفا در دامنه 0.71 تا 0.85
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: http://www.kenrigby.net/01a-Questionnaires
This instrument can be found online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8NKDDMP
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Rigby‚ K. and Slee‚ P.T. (1993) Dimensions of interpersonal relating among Australian school children and their implications for psychological wellbeing. Journal of Social Psychology‚ 133(1)‚ 33-42.
Rigby‚ K. (2007). Bullyingin Schools:and what todo about it up‎dated‚ revised)‚ Melbourne‚ Australian Council for Education Research.
Rigby‚ K. (2008). Children and bullying. how parents and educators can reduce bullying at school. USA. Blackwell Publishing.
Rigby‚ K 2010‚ Bullying in schools: Six Methods of Intervention‚ ACER‚ Camberwell.
Rigby‚ K. (2011). What can schools do about cases of bullying? Pastoral Care in Education‚ 29(4): 273–285
Akbari-balootbangan A‚ Talepasand S.(2015). The Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of Bullying Prevalence Questionnaire in Secondary Schools. Journal of Education and Community Health‚ 2(2):10-19.
اکبری بلوطبنگان، افضل و طالع پسند، سیاوش. (1394). ساختار عاملی و ویژگی های روان سنجی پرسشنامه شیوع قُلدری(BPQ) در مدارس متوسطه . مجله آموزش و سلامت جامعه، دوره 2، شماره 2: 10 تا 19.