Neighborhood Disorganization—Rochester Youth Development Study
Thornberry‚ Krohn‚ Lizotte‚ Smith‚ &Tobin‚ 2003
آشفتگی محله (همسایگان)
جرم خیز بودن محله
Thinking of your neighborhood‚ how much of a problem is …
1. High unemployment?
2. Different racial or cultural groups who do not get along with each other?
3. Vandalism‚ buildings and personal belongings broken and torn up?
4. Little respect for rules‚ laws and authority?
5. Winos and junkies?
6. Prostitution?
7. Abandoned houses or buildings?
8. Sexual assaults or rapes?
9. Burglaries and thefts?
10. Gambling?
11. Run down and poorly kept buildings and yards?
12. Syndicate‚ mafia or organized crime?
13. Assaults and muggings?
14. Street gangs or delinquent gangs?
15. Homeless street people?
16. Drug use or drug dealing in the open?
17. Buying or selling stolen goods?
شرح : این مقیاس برداشت والدین از وجود جرم و بزه و خلاف کاری در محله (همسایگان ) را اندازه می گیرد.
کلید واژه
چگونگی دستیابی
رده سنی: والدین
نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
A big problem=3‚ Sort of a problem=2‚ Not a problem=1
Point values are summed and then divided by the number of items. The intended range of scores is 1-3‚ with a higher score indicating a higher level of neighborhoodcrime‚ dilapidation and disorganization.
Thornberry TP‚ Krohn MD‚ Lizotte AJ‚ Smith CA‚ Tobin K. Gangs and delinquency in developmentalperspective. New York: Cambridge University Press‚2003.
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