Neighborhood Satisfaction
Perkins‚ Florin & Rich‚ 1990
Adapted by Houston Community Demonstration Project‚ 1993
رضایت از همسایگان
1. I am satisfied with this block as a place to live.
2. Compared to other blocks in this area‚ my block is a good place to live.
3. In the past year‚ the general conditions on my block have gotten worse.
4. In the next year‚ the general conditions on my block will probably get better.
شرح : این مقیاس نگرش فرد را به همسایگانش اندازه می گیرد.
کلید واژه
- Neighborhood
- Satisfaction
چگونگی دستیابی
رده سنی: 18 سال و بالاتر
نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
Agree=3‚ Disagree=1‚ No opinion=1
Point values for all responses are summed and then divided by the total number of items. Blank items are not counted in the number of responses. Higher scores indicate higher levels of respondent satisfaction with their block as a place to live and their expectations about the future for their block.
Perkins DD‚ Florin P‚ Rich RC‚ Wandersman A‚ Chavis DM. Participation and the social and physical environment of residential blocks: crime and community context. American Journal of
Community Psychology 1990;18(1):83-115.
Houston Community Demonstration Project. Houston‚ TX: City of Houston Health and Human
Services Department‚ 1993.
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توجه شود: مقیاس یاد شده بخشی از یک مقیاس بزرگتر است که نخست توسط " داگلاس پرکینز و همکاران" در سال 1990 ارائه شده است. آن نسخه را می توانید در نشانی زیر بیابید.