Reciprocated Exchange—Chicago Neighborhood Study
Sampson‚ Morenoff & Earls‚ 1999
روابط متقابل با همسایگان
1. About how often do you and people in your neighborhood do favors for each other? By favors we mean such things as watching each other’s children‚ helping with shopping‚ lending garden or house tools‚ and other small acts of kindness?
2. How often do you and people in this neighborhood have parties or other get-togethers where other people in the neighborhood are invited?
3. When a neighbor is not at home‚ how often do you and other neighbors watch over their property?
4. How often do you and other people in this neighborhood visit in each other’s homes or on the street?
5. How often do you and other people in the neighborhood ask each other advice about personal things such as childrearing or job openings?
شرح : این مقیاس روابط متقابل بین همسایگان را اندازه می گیرد.
کلید واژه
- Reciprocated Exchange
- neighborhood
چگونگی دستیابی
رده سنی: جمعیت شهری 18 سال و بالاتر
نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
Very often = 5
Often = 4
Sometimes = 3
Rarely = 2
Never = 1
Point values for all responses are summed. Intended range is 5-25‚ with higher scores indicating higher frequencies of social exchange within the neighborhood.
Sampson RJ‚ Morenoff JD‚ Earls F. Beyond social capital: spatial dynamics of collective efficacy for children. American Sociological Review 1999;64:633-660.
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