Equity Sensitivity Index (ESI)

Equity Sensitivity Index (ESI)
Huseman‚ Hatfield‚ & Miles‚ 1985
شاخص حساسیت به برابری
Equity Sensitivity Instrument
1. It would be more important for me to (a) get from the organization (b) give to the organization
2. It would be more important for me to (a) help others (b) want out for my own good
3. I would be more concerned about (a) what I receive from the organization (b) what I contributed to the organization
4. The hard work I would do should (a) benefit the organization (b) benefit me
5. My personal philosophy would be (a) you must look out for yourself (b) it is better to give than receive
شرح سایت روان سنجی: شاخص انگیزه فرد برای ماندن در هر رابطه ای مبتنی بر برابری (یا نابرابری) مشارکت او در رابطه است.
اعتبار: آلفا کرونباخ 0.81. "ژئون، 2011" از همبستگی میان این مقیاس و موارد زیر گزارش می کند.
Positively correlated with the perceptions of pay justice‚ altruism‚ social desirability‚ job satisfaction and organizational commitment‚ but negatively correlated with exchange ideology‚ locus of control‚ Machiavellianism‚ and non-Protestant work ethic.
نمره گذاری:
dividing 10 points between the two choices (A and B)
This instrument can be found at: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/4837477.pdf & http://ibrarian.net/navon/paper/Instruments_for_Measuring_Cultural_Values_and_Beh.pdf?paperid=5383441
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر   
>Huseman‚ R. C.‚ Hatfield‚ J. D.‚ & Miles‚ E. W. (1985). Test for individual perception of job equity: Some preliminary findings. Perceptual and Motor Skills‚ 62‚ 1055-1064.
Huseman‚ R.C.‚ Hatfield‚ J.D. & Miles‚ E.W. (1987). A New Perspective on Equity Theory: The Equity Sensitivity Construct. The Academy of Management Review‚ 12‚ 222-234
Miles‚ E. W.‚ Huseman‚ R. C.‚ & Hatfield‚ J. D. (1994). Equity sensitivity and outcome importance. Journal of Organizational Behavior‚ 15‚ 585–596.
Sauley‚ K. S.‚ & Bedeian‚ A. G. (2000). Equity sensitivity: construction of a measure and examination of its psychometric properties. Journal of Management‚ 26‚ 885-910.
Taylor‚ S. G.‚ Kluemper‚ D. H.‚ & Sauley‚ K. S. (2009). Equity sensitivity revisited: Contrasting unidimensional and multidimensional approaches. Journal of Business and Psychology‚ 24‚ 299-314.
Jeon‚ Gahyun. (2011). Equity sensitivity versus equity preference: validating a new viewpoint on equity sensitivity. M.A. Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. http://hdl.handle.net/2142/29613
آذر 1402
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اسفند 1395
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