Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS-R)

Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS-R)
Feldman et al. 2007
مقیاس ذهن آگاهی شناختی و عاطفی
1.    It is easy for me to concentrate on what I am doing.
2.    I am preoccupied by the future. (-)
3.    I can tolerate emotional pain.
4.    I can accept things I cannot change.
5.    I can usually describe how I feel at the moment in considerable detail.
6.    I am easily distracted. (-)
7.    I am preoccupied by the past.(-)
8.    It’s easy for me to keep track of my thoughts and feelings.
9.    I try to notice my thoughts without judging them.
10.    I am able to accept the thoughts and feelings I have.
11.    I am able to focus on the present moment.
12.    I am able to pay close attention to one thing for a long period of time.
Note that original scale was 12 items‚ but the original items 2 and 7 were de‎leted [Revised ] as less useful than the remaining 10.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار به تفاوت های فردی ذهن آگاهی، چون: توجه متمرکز بر حال، آگاهی و پذیرش بدون داوری افکار و عواطف توجه دارد.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی در نمونه یک 0.74 و در نمونه دوم 0.77
نمره گذاری:
1=Rarely/Not at All‚ Sometimes‚ Often‚ 4=Almost Always
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: &  &
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Baer‚ R. A. (2003). Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention: A conceptual and empirical review. Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice‚ 10‚ 125–143.
Baer‚ R. A.‚ Smith‚ G. T.‚ & Allen‚ K. B. (2004). Assessment of Mindfulness by Self-Report: The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment‚ 11(3)‚ 191–206.
McPhail‚ C. M.‚ Walker‚ J. R.‚ Clara‚ I.‚ Graff‚ L. A.‚ Feldman‚ G. C.‚ & Bernstein‚ C. N. (2005). Confirmatory factor analysis of the CAMS-R Mindfulness Scale with the Manitoba Inflammatory Bowel Disorder Cohort. Manuscript in preparation.
Baer‚ R. A.‚ Smith‚ G. T.‚ Hopkins‚ J.‚ Krietemeyer‚ J.‚ & Toney‚ L. (2006). Using self-report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness. Assessment‚ 13(1)‚ 27–45.
Feldman‚ G.‚ Hayes‚ A.‚ Kumar‚ S.‚ Greeson‚ J.‚ & Laurenceau‚ J. P. (2007). Mindfulness and emotion regulation: The development and initial validation of the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment‚ 29(3)‚ 177-190.