Femininity Ideology Scale (FIS)

Femininity Ideology Scale (FIS)
Lehman 2000‚ Levant et al 2007
مقیاس ایدئولوژی فمنیسم
1.    It is more appropriate for a female to be a teacher than a principal.
2.    When someone’s feelings are hurt‚ a woman should try to make them feel better.
3.    A woman should not marry a younger man.
4.    A woman should not make more money than her partner.
5.    If a woman chooses to have an abortion‚ she should not feel guilty.
6.    Women should have men make decisions for them.
7.    An appropriate female occupation is nursing.
8.    A woman should not initiate sex.
9.    A woman’s worth should be measured by the success of her partner.
10.    Women should not want to succeed in the business world because men will not want to marry them.
11.    A woman should not expect to be sexually satisfied by her partner.
12.    A woman should not swear.
13.    A woman should not be competitive.
14.    A woman should know how people are feeling.
15.    A woman should remain a virgin until she is married.
16.    A woman should not consider her career as important as a man’s.
17.    A woman’s natural role should be the caregiver of the family.
18.    Women should act helpless to attract a man.
19.    A woman should wear attractive clothing‚ shoes‚ lingerie and bathing suits‚ even if not comfortable.
20.    It is expected that a woman who expresses irritation or anger must be going through P.M.S.
21.    Women should be gentle.
22.    A woman should be dependent on religion and spirituality for guidance.
23.    A woman should have a petite body.
24.    A woman should be responsible for making and organizing family plans.
25.    Women should not read pornographic material.
26.    It is not acceptable for a woman to masturbate.
27.    A woman should not show anger.
28.    Women should have soft voices.
29.    Women should have large breasts.
30.    A woman should not tell dirty jokes.
31.    A girl should be taught how to catch a husband.
32.    A woman should not have a baby until she is married.
33.    It is expected that women will not think logically.
34.    It is expected that women will discuss their feelings with one another.
35.    Women should dress conservatively so they do not appear loose.
36.    It is expected that women will have a hard time handling stress without getting emotional.
37.    It is expected that women in leadership roles will not be taken seriously.
38.    A woman should be responsible for teaching family values to her children.
39.    It is expected that a women will be viewed as overly emotional.
40.    It is expected that a single woman is less fulfilled than a married woman.
41.    A woman should not be expected to do mechanical things.
42.    It is expected that a women will engage in domestic hobbies such as sewing and decorating.
43.    It is unlikely that a pregnant woman would be attractive.
44.    It is likely that a woman who gives up custody of her children will not be respected.
45.    Girls should not enjoy “tomboy” activities.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این مقیاس ایدئولوژی فمینیستی با با پنج خرده مقیاس "انگاره ها و رفتار کلیشه ای"، "وابستگی و تفاوت"،"پاکی" ، "مراقبت" و "احساسی بودن" اندازه گیری می کند.
Stereotypic Images and Activities‚ Dependence/Deference‚ Purity‚ Care-taking‚ Emotionality

Stereotypic Image and Activities .89; Dependence/ Deference .83; Purity .85; Caretaking .80; and Emotionality .82. For the total scale‚ the alpha was .93.
 For the women only‚ the Cronbach alphas were Stereotypic Image and Activities (.79)‚ Dependency/Deference (.76)‚ Purity (.85)‚ Caretaking (.80)‚ Emotionality (.81)‚ and Total Traditional Femininity (.92). For the men only‚ the Cronbach alphas were Stereotypic Image and Activities (.84)‚ Dependency/Deference (.85)‚ Purity (.84)‚ Caretaking (.72)‚ Emotionality (.79)‚ and Total Traditional Femininity (.93). (Levant et al 2007)
نمره گذاری:
1=strong disagreement to 5= strong agreement
Stereotypic Images and Activities (items: 1‚ 19‚ 20‚ 23‚ 27‚ 28‚ 29‚ 31‚ 41‚ 43 and 45)‚ Dependence/Deference (items:3‚ 4‚ 6‚ 8‚ 9‚ 10‚ 11‚ 13‚ 16 and 18 )‚ Purity (items: 5‚ 12‚ 15‚ 22‚ 25‚ 26‚ 30‚ 32 and 35)‚ Care-taking (items: 2‚ 7‚ 14‚ 17‚ 21‚ 24 and 38)‚ Emotionality (items:33‚ 34‚ 36‚ 37‚ 39‚ 40‚42 and 44)
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: https://emerge.ucsd.edu/r_ciag6s920micp4l/ & https://www.ansirh.org/empowermentmeasures/femininity-ideology-scale-fis &
http://www.genderbias.net/docs/resources/guideline/The%20Femininity%20Ideology%20Scale%20Factor%20Structure‚%20Reliability‚.pdf & https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225977557_ORIGINAL_ARTICLE_The_Femininity_Ideology_Scale_Factor_Structure_Reliability_Convergent_and_Discriminant_Validity_and_Social_Contextual_Variation
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Lehman‚ P. (2000). A validity study of the femininity ideology scale. ma‎ster’s thesis‚ Florida Institute of Technology.
Tolman‚ D. L.‚ and M. V. Porche. 2000. The adolescent femininity ideology scale: Development and validation of a new measure for girls. Psychology of Women Quarterly 24 (4):365–76. doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.2000.tb00219.x.
Levant‚ R.‚ Richmond‚ K.‚ Cook‚ S.‚ House‚ A. T.‚ & Aupont‚ M. (2007). The Femininity Ideology Scale: Factor structure‚ reliability‚ convergent and discriminant validity‚ and social contextual variation. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research‚ 57(5-6)‚ 373–383. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-007-9258-5.
Richmond‚ K.‚ R. Levant‚ B. Smalley‚ and S. Cook. 2015. The femininity ideology scale (FIS): Dimensions and its relationship to anxiety and feminine gender role stress. Women & Health 55 (3):263–79. doi:10.1080/03630242.2014.996723.
McDermott‚ R. C.‚ Wolfe‚ G.‚ Levant‚ R. F.‚ Alshabani‚ N.‚ & Richmond‚ K. (2021). Measurement invariance of three gender ideology scales across cis‚ trans‚ and nonbinary gender identities. Psychology of Men & Masculinities‚ 22(2)‚ 331–344. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000286