Community Attitudes To Violence Against Women Survey

Community Attitudes To Violence Against Women Survey
Natalie Taylor ‚ Jenny Mouzos 2006
Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
بررسی نگرش جامعه به خشونت به زنان
Domestic violence
Domestic violence is a criminal offence
Most people who experience domestic violence are reluctant to go to the police
Most people turn a blind eye to‚ or ignore domestic violence
It’s hard to understand why women stay in violent relationships
Domestic violence is more likely to occur in migrant families
Domestic violence is a private matter to be handled in the family
Domestic violence rarely happens in wealthy neighbourhoods
Police now respond more quickly to domestic violence calls than they did in the past
Domestic violence can be excused if it results from people getting so angry that they temporarily lose control
Domestic violence can be excused if THE VICTIM is heavily affected by alcohol
Domestic violence can be excused if THE OFFENDER is heavily affected by alcohol
Most women could leave a violent relationship if they really wanted to
In domestic situations where one partner is physically violent towards the other it is entirely reasonable for the violent person to be made to leave the family home
Domestic violence can be excused if‚ afterwards‚ the violent person genuinely regrets what they have done
Women going through custody battles often make up or exaggerate claims of domestic violence in order to improve their case
Sexual violence
The legal system treats rape and sexual assault victims badly
Women are more likely to be raped by someone they know than by a stranger
Women rarely make false claims of being raped
Women often say ‘no’ when they mean ‘yes’
Women who are sexually harassed should sort it out themselves rather than report it
Women who are raped often ask for it
Rape results from men not being able to control their need for sex
A woman cannot be raped by someone she is in a sexual relationship with
Sexual assault can be excused if the VICTIM is heavily affected by alcohol
Sexual assault can be excused if the OFFENDER is heavily affected by alcohol
اعتبار : شرح را ببینید.
گزارش های مطالعات ملی خشونت نسبت به زنان، به صورت دوره ای در استرالیا ارائه می شود. مقیاسی که در بالا آمده است، بخشی از ابزار مطالعه است. برای آگاهی بیشتر نشانی های زیر را ببینید. نخستین نشانی مربوط به سال 2009 و دومین مربوط به سال 2006 است. ابزار را در پیوست های نسخه 2066 بیابید.
سایت روان سنجی : همه آگاهی ها درباره آزمون از نشانی درون متن برداشته شده است.