The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire

The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ)
William E. Snell‚ Jr. 1997
پرسشنامه چند وجهی خودپنداره جنسی
1. I feel anxious when I think about the sexual aspects of my life.
2. I have the ability to take care of any sexual needs and desires that I may have.
3. I am very aware of my sexual feelings and needs.
4. I am motivated to avoid engaging in "risky" (i.e.‚ unprotected) sexual behavior.
5. The sexual aspects of my life are determined mostly by chance happenings.
6. I think about sex "all the time."
7. I’m very assertive about the sexual aspects of my life.
8. I expect that the sexual aspects of my life will be positive and rewarding in the future.
9. I would be to blame‚ if the sexual aspects of my life were not going very well.
10. I notice how others perceive and react to the sexual aspects of my life.
11. I’m motivated to be sexually active.
12. If I were to experience a sexual problem‚ I myself would in control of whether this improved.
13. I derive a sense of self-pride from the way I handle my own sexual needs and desires.
14. I am satisfied with the way my sexual needs are currently being met.
15. My sexual behaviors are determined largely by other more powerful and influential people.
16. Not only would I be a good sexual partner‚ but it’s quite important to me that I be a good sexual partner.
17. I am afraid of becoming sexual involved with another person.
18. If I am careful‚ then I will be able to prevent myself from ha‎ving any sexual problems.
19. I am depressed about the sexual aspects of my life.
20. My sexuality is something that I am largely responsible for.
21. I worry about the sexual aspects of my life.
22. I am competent enough to make sure that my sexual needs are fulfilled.
23. I am very aware of my sexual motivations and desires.
24. I am motivated to keep myself from ha‎ving any "risky" sexual behavior (e.g.‚ exposure to sexual diseases).
25. Most things that affect the sexual aspects of my life happen to me by accident.
26. I think about sex more than anything else.
27. I’m not very direct about voicing my sexual needs and preferences. (R)
28. I believe that in the future the sexual aspects of my life will be healthy and positive.
29. If the sexual aspects of my life were to go wrong‚ I would be the person to blame.
30. I’m concerned with how others evaluate my own sexual beliefs and behaviors.
31. I’m motivated to devote time and effort to sex.
32. If I were to experiences a sexual problem‚ my own behavior would determine whether I improved.
33. I am proud of the way I deal with and handle my own sexual desires and needs.
34. I am satisfied with the status of my own sexual fulfillment.
35. My sexual behaviors are largely controlled by people other than myself (e.g.‚ my partner‚ friends‚ family).
36. Not only would I be a skilled sexual partner‚ but it’s very important to me that I be a skilled sexual partner.
37. I have a fear of sexual relationships.
38. I can pretty much prevent myself from developing sexual problems by taking good care of myself.
39. I am disappointed about the quality of my sex life.
40. The sexual aspects of my life are determined in large part by my own behavior.
41. Thinking about the sexual aspects of my life often leaves me with an uneasy feeling.
42. I have the skills and ability to ensure rewarding sexual behaviors for myself.
43. I tend to think about my own sexual beliefs and attitudes.
44. I want to avoid engaging in sex where I might be exposed to sexual diseases.
45. Luck plays a big part in influencing the sexual aspects of my life.
46. I tend to be preoccupied with sex.
47. I am somewhat passive about expressing my own sexual desires. (R)
48. I do not expect to suffer any sexual problems or frustrations in the future.
49. If I were to develop a sexual disorder‚ then I would be to blame for not taking good care of myself.
50. I am quick to notice other people’s reactions to the sexual aspects of my own life.
51. I have a desire to be sexually active.
52. If I were to become sexually maladjusted‚ I myself would be responsible for making myself better.
53. I am pleased with how I handle my own sexual tendencies and behaviors.
54. The sexual aspects of my life are personally gratifying to me.
55. My sexual behavior is determined by the actions of powerful others (e.g.‚ my partner‚ friends‚ family).
56. Not only could I relate well to a sexual partner‚ but it’s important to me that I be able to do so.
57. I am fearful of engaging sexual activity.
58. If just I look out for myself‚ then I will be able to avoid any sexual problems in the future.
59. I feel discouraged about my sex life.
60. I am in control of and am responsible for the sexual aspects of my life.
61. I worry about the sexual aspects of my life.
62. I am able to cope with and to handle my own sexual needs and wants.
63. I’m very alert to changes in my sexual thoughts‚ feelings‚ and desires.
64. I really want to prevent myself from being exposed to sexual diseases.
65. The sexual aspects of my life are largely a matter of (good or bad) fortune.
66. I’m constantly thinking about ha‎ving sex.
67. I do not hesitate to ask for what I want in a sexual relationship.
68. I will probably experience some sexual problems in the future. (R)
69. If I were to develop a sexual problem‚ then it would be my own fault for letting it happen.
70. I’m concerned about how the sexual aspects of my life appear to others.
71. It’s important to me that I involve myself in sexual activity.
72. If I developed any sexual problems‚ my recovery would depend in large part on what I myself would do.
73. I have positive feelings about the way I approach my own sexual needs and desires.
74. The sexual aspects of my life are satisfactory‚ compared to most people’s.
75. In order to be sexually active‚ I have to conform to other more powerful individuals.
76. I am able to "connect" well with a sexual partner‚ and it’s important to me that I am able to do so.
77. I don’t have much fear about engaging in sex. (R)
78. I will be able to avoid any sexual problems‚ if I just take good care of myself.
79. I feel unhappy about my sexual experiences.
80. The main thing which affects the sexual aspects of my life is what I myself do.
81. I feel nervous when I think about the sexual aspects of my life.
82. I have the capability to take care of my own sexual needs and desires.
83. I am very aware of the sexual aspects of myself (e.g. habits‚ thoughts‚ beliefs).
84. I am really motivated to avoid any sexual activity that might expose me to sexual diseases.
85. The sexual aspects of my life are a matter of fate (destiny).
86. I think about sex the majority of the time.
87. When it comes to sex‚ I usually ask for what I want.
88. I anticipate that in the future the sexual aspects of my life will be frustrating. (R)
89. If something went wrong with my own sexuality‚ then it would be my own fault.
90. I’m aware of the public impression cr‎eated by my own sexual behaviors and attitudes.
91. I strive to keep myself sexually active.
92. If I developed a sexual disorder‚ my recovery would depend on how I myself dealt with the problem.
93. I feel good about the way I express my own sexual needs and desires.
94. I am satisfied with the sexual aspects of my life.
95. My sexual behavior is mostly determined by people who have influence and control over me.
96. Not only am I be capable of relating to a sexual partner‚ but it’s important to me that I relate very well.
97. I’m not afraid of becoming sexually active. (R)
98. If I just pay careful attention‚ I’ll be able to prevent myself from ha‎ving any sexual problems.
99. I feel sad when I think about my sexual experiences.
100. My sexuality is something that I myself am in ch‎arge of.
101. I responded to the above items based on:
(A) A current sexual relationship.
(B) A past sexual relationship.
(C) An imagined sexual relationship.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: پرسشنامه خودپنداره جنسی دارای 20 خرده مقیاس است.1) اضطراب جنسی، 2)  خود- کارآمدی جنسی، 3) آگاهی جنسی، 4) انگیزه برای پرهیز از رابطه جنسی خطرناک، 5) مهار شانسی جنسی، 6) شیفتگی جنسی، 7) ابراز وجود جنسی، 8) خوش بینی جنسی، 9) خود- سرزنشی جنسی، 10) خود پایشی جنسی، 11) انگیزه جنسی، 12) مدیریت مسائل جنسی،13) عزت نفس جنسی، 14) رضایت جنسی، 15) مهار جنسی توسط دیگران، 16) طرحواره جنسی ، 17) ترس از رابطه جنسی، 18) پیشگیری مسائل جنسی، 19) افسردگی جنسی و 20) مهار جنسی بیرونی .
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found online at:    &
نمره گذاری
A = Not at all ch‎aracteristic of me.
B = Slightly ch‎aracteristic of me.
C = Somewhat ch‎aracteristic of me.
D = Moderately ch‎aracteristic of me.
E = Very ch‎aracteristic of me.
(1) sexual-anxiety (items 1‚ 21‚ 41‚ 61‚ 81); (2) sexual self-efficacy (items 2‚ 22‚ 42‚ 62‚ 82); (3) sexual-consciousness (3‚ 23‚ 43‚ 63‚ 83); (4) motivation to avoid risky sex (items 4‚ 24‚ 44‚ 64‚ 84; (5) chance/luck sexual control (items 5‚ 25‚ 45‚ 65‚ 85); (6) sexual-preoccupation (items 6‚ 26‚ 46‚ 66‚ 86); (7) sexual-assertiveness (items 7‚ 27R‚ 47R‚ 67‚ 87); (8) sexual-optimism (items 8‚ 28‚ 48‚ 68R‚ 88R); (9) sexual problem self-blame (items 9‚ 29‚ 49‚ 69‚ 89); (10) sexual-monitoring (items 10‚ 30‚ 50‚ 70‚ 90); (11) sexual-motivation (items 11‚ 31‚ 51‚ 71‚ 91); (12) sexual problem management (items 12‚ 32‚ 52‚ 72‚ 92); (13) sexual-esteem (items 13‚ 33‚ 53‚ 73‚ 93); (14) sexual-satisfaction (items 14‚ 34‚ 54‚ 74‚ 94); (15) power-other sexual control (items 15‚ 35‚ 55‚ 75‚ 95); (16) sexual self-schemata (items 16‚ 36‚ 56‚ 76‚ 96); (17) fear-of-sex (items 17‚ 37‚ 57‚ 77R‚ 97R); (18) sexual problem prevention (items 18‚ 38‚ 58‚ 78‚ 98); (19) sexual-depression (items 19‚ 39‚ 59‚ 79‚ 99); and (20) internal-sexual-control (items 20‚ 40‚ 60‚ 80‚ 100).
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Snell‚ W. E.‚ Jr. (1997). Measuring multiple aspects of the sexual self-concept: The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association‚ Chicago‚ IL.
     Snell‚ W. E.‚ Jr. (1998). The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis‚ W. L. Yarber‚ R. Bauseman‚ G. Schreer‚ and S. L. Davis (Eds.)‚ Handbook of sexuality-related measures (521-524). Newbury Park: Sage.
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