Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale

Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS)
Frost‚ Marten‚ Lahart‚ & Rosenblate‚ 1990
مقیاس کمال گرایی چند وجهی فروست
1. My parents set very high standards for me. PE
2. Organization is very important to me. O
3. As a child‚ I was punished for doing things less than perfect. PC
4. If I do not set the highest standards for myself‚ I am likely to end up a second-rate person. PS
5. My parents never tried to understand my mistakes. PC
6. It is important to me that I am thoroughly competent in everything I do. PS
7. I am a neat person. O
8. I try to be an organized person. O
9. If I fail at work/school‚ I am a failure as a person. CM
10. I should be upset if I make a mistake. CM
11. My parents wanted me to do the best at everything. PE
12. I set higher goals than most people. PS
13. If someone does a task at work/school better than I‚ then I feel like I failed the whole task. CM
14. If I fail partly‚ it is as bad as being a complete failure. CM
15. Only outstanding performance is good enough in my family. PE
16. I am very good at focusing my efforts on attaining a goal. PS
17. Even when I do something very carefully‚ I often feel that it is not quite right. D
18. I hate being less than the best at things. CM
19. I have extremely high goals. PS
20. My parents have expected excellence from me. PE
21. People will probably think less of me if I make a mistake. CM
22. I never felt like I could meet my parents' expectations. PC
23. If I do not as well as other people‚ it means I am an inferior human being CM
24. Other people seem to accept lower standards than I do. PS
25. If I do not do well all the time‚ people will not respect me. CM
26. My parents have always had higher expectations for my future than I have. PE
27. I try to be a neat person. O
28. I usually have doubts about the simple everyday things I do. D
29. Neatness is very important to me. O
30. I expect higher performance in my daily tasks than most people. PS
31. I am an organized person. O
32. I tend to get behind in my work because I repeat things over and over. D
33. It takes me a long time to do something "right." D
34. The fewer mistakes I make‚ the more people will like me. CM
35. I never felt like I could meet my parents' standards. PC
CM = Concern over Mistakes‚ D = Doubts about actions‚ PE = Parental Expectations‚ PC = Parental Criticism‚ PS = Personal Standards‚ O = Organization.
نسخه 24 گویه ای مربوط به استرالیا است که در سال 2005 توسط "کاوجا و همکاران" ارائه شده است.
1.    My parents set very high standards for me. PEPC
2.    As a child‚ I was punished for doing things less than perfect. PEPC
3.    I am a neat person. ORG
4.    I try to be an organized person. ORG
5.    If I fail at work/school‚ I am a failure as a person. CMDA
6.    I should be upset if I make a mistake. CMDA
7.    My parents wanted me to do the best at everything. PEPC
8.    If someone does a task at work/school better than I‚ then I feel like I failed the whole task. CMDA
9.    Only outstanding performance is good enough in my family. PEPC
10.I am very good at focusing my efforts on attaining a goal. PS
11.I have extremely high goals. PS
12.People will probably think less of me if I make a mistake. CMDA
13.If I do not as well as other people‚ it means I am an inferior human being CMD
14.Other people seem to accept lower standards than I do. PS
15.If I do not do well all the time‚ people will not respect me. CMDA
16.My parents have always had higher expectations for my future than I have. PEPC
17.I try to be a neat person. ORG
18.I usually have doubts about the simple everyday things I do. CMDA
19.Neatness is very important to me. ORG
20.I expect higher performance in my daily tasks than most people. PS
21.I tend to get behind in my work because I repeat things over and over. CMDA
22.It takes me a long time to do something "right." CMDA
23.The fewer mistakes I make‚ the more people will like me. CMDA
24.I never felt like I could meet my parents' standards. PEPC
CMDA = Concern over Mistakes and Doubts about Actions; PEPC =Parental Expectation and Parental Criticism; ORG = Organization and PS =Personal Standards
شرح سایت روان سنجی : نسخه فراست دارای 6 خرده مقیاس: نگرانی از اشتباه، تردید درباره اقدام، چشم داشت پدر و مادر، نقد والدین، استاندارد شخصی و سازمان است.
"ستوبر 1998" برای آن چهار خرده مقیاس را مناسب تر می داند. چشم داشت والدین و نقد، سازمان، استاندارهای شخصی و نگرانی از اشتباه ها و تردید.
PEC = Parental Expectations & Criticism; O = Organization; PS =Personal Standards; CMD = Concern Over Mistakes & Doubts.
"کاواجا 2005" در استرالیا، نسخه 24 گویه ای را ارائه می کند و خرده مقیاس ها را چنین ذکر می کند. نگرانی از اشتباه و شک و تردید درباره اقدام، چشم داشت و نقد والدین، سازمان و استاندارد شخصی.
CMDA = Concern over Mistakes and Doubts about Actions; PEPC =Parental Expectation and Parental Criticism; ORG = Organization and PS =Personal Standards
خرده مقیاس ها و اعتبار:
Scale (alpha): = .90; CM (.87)‚ PS (.78)‚ PE (.88)‚ PC (.81)‚ D (.73)‚ and O (.86). Stober (1998)
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on page 25 of “The Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale Revisited”‚ available online at: &
اجرا و نمره گذاری
1=”strongly disagree" to 5="strongly agree”
1=”not at all true” through 5= “very true”.
منابع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Frost‚ R. O.‚ Marten‚ P.‚ Lahart‚ C.‚ & Rosenblate‚ R. (1990). The dimensions of perfectionism. Cognitive Therapy and Research‚ 14‚ 449-468.
Stöber‚ J. (1998). The Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: More perfect with four (instead of six) dimensions. Personality and Individual Differences‚ 24(4)‚ 481-491.
Hawkins. Colleen C‚ Watt. Helen M. G‚ Sinclair. Kenneth E‚. (2006). Psychometric Properties of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale With Australian Adolescent Girls. Educational and Psychological Measurement‚ 66; 1001-1021.
Khawaja‚ Nigar G. and Armstrong‚ Kerry A. (2005) Factor structure andpsychometric properties of the Frost Multidimensional PerfectionismScale developing shorter versions using an Australian sample.. AustralianJournal of Psychology 57(2):pp. 129-138. From
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