Brief Mosher Sex Guilt Scale

Brief Mosher Sex Guilt Scale
Revised Mosher Sex Guilt Inventory (MGI-R)
Janda & Bazemore‚ 2011
فرم کوتاه مقیاس احساس گناه موشر
1. Masturbation helps one feel eased and relaxed.*
2. Sex relations before any significant commitments are good‚ in my opinion.*
3. Unusual sex practices don’t interest me.
4. When I have sexual dreams I try to forget them.
5. ‘‘Dirty’’ jokes in mixed company are in bad taste.
6. When I have sexual desires I enjoy them like all healthy human beings.*
7. Unusual sex practices are dangerous to one’s health and mental condition.
8. Sex relations before any significant commitments help people adjust.*
9. Sex relations before any significant commitments should not be recommended.
10. Unusual sex practices are all right if both partners agree.*
* Indicates reverse scoring
"توتونچی، 2015" دو گویه زیر به جای گویه های 7 و 10 به کارگرفته است.
When I have sexual desires I try to repress them.
When I have sexual desires they are quite strong.
شرح سایت روان سنجی:این ابزار فرم کوتاه احساس گناه موشر 1966 است که به اندازه گیری احساس گناه در جستار جنسی می پردازد.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی آلفا کرونباخ 0.85
نمره گذاری
1=Strongly disagree‚ 2=Disagree‚ 3= Somewhat disagree‚ 4=Neither agree nor disagree‚ 5=Somewhat agree‚ 6= Agree‚ 7=Strongly agree
 0 (not at all true) to 6 (extremely true for me)
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Janda‚ L. H.‚ & Bazemore‚ S. D. (2011). The revised Mosher Sex-Guilt Scale: Its psychometric properties and a proposed ten-item version. Journal of Sex Research‚ 48(4)‚ 392-396.
Mosher‚ Donald L. (1966). The development and multitrait-multimethod matrix analysis of three measures of three aspects of guilt. Journal of Consulting Psychology‚ 30(1)‚ 25-29.
Mosher‚ D.L.‚ & Cross‚ H.J. (1971). Sex guilt and premarital sexual experiences of college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology‚ 36‚ 27-32.
Mosher‚ D. L. (1998). Revised mosher guilt inventory. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures‚ 290-293.
Mosher‚ D.L. (1979a). Sex guilt and sex myths in college men and women. Journal of Sex Research‚ 15‚ 224-234.
Mosher‚ D.L. (1979b). The meaning and measurement of guilt. In C.E. Izard (Ed.)‚ Emotions in personality and psychopathology. New York: Plenum.
Mosher‚ D.L.‚ & O’Grady‚ K.E. (1979). Sex guilt‚ trait anxiety‚ and females' subjective sexual arousal to erotica. Motivation & Emotion‚ 3‚ 235-249.
Mosher‚ D.L. (2011). Revised Mosher Guilt Inventory. In T.D. Fisher‚ C.M. Davis‚ W.L. Yarber‚ & S.L. Davis (Eds.)‚ Handbook of sexuality-related measures (3rd ed.)(pp.321-324). New York: Routledge.
Jones‚ Ann E. (2014). Moderating effect of religious orientation on the relationship between sexual self-discrepancies and guilt and Anxiety. Indiana State University. ma‎ster of Arts thesis.
Asadzadeh Totonchi‚ Delaram. (2015). "Comparing Implicit and Explicit Measures of Sex Guilt in Predicting Sexual Behavior. Old Dominion University. ma‎ster of Arts thesis‚ Psychology Theses & Dissertations. Paper 16