Ways of Coping Checklist Revision (WCCL-R)
Vitaliano et al. (1985)
سیاهه راه های مقابله (بازنگری شده)
1. Bargained or compromised to get something positive from the situation
2. Concentrated on something good that could come out of the whole thing
3. Tried not to burn my bridges behind me‚ but left things open somewhat
4. Changed or grew as a person in a good way
5. Made a plan of action and followed it
6. Accepted the next best thing to what I wanted
7. Came out of the experience better than when I went in
8. Tried not to act too hastily of follow my own hunch
9. Changed something so things would turn out all right
10. Just took things one step at a time
11. I know what had to be done‚ so I doubled my efforts and tried harder to make things work
12. Came up with a couple of different solutions to the problem
13. Accepted my strong feelings‚ but didn’t let them interfere with other things too much
14. Changed something about myself so I could deal with the situation better
15. Stood my ground and fought for what I want
Seeks Social Support
1. Talked to someone to find out about the situation
2. Accepted sympathy and understanding from someone
3. Asked someone I respected about how I was feeling
4. Talked to someone about how I was feeling
5. Got professional help and did what they recommended
6. Talked to someone who could do something about the problem
Blamed self
1. Blamed yourself
2. Criticized or lectured yourself
3. Realized you brought the problem yourself
Wishful Thinking
1. Hoped a miracle would happen
2. Wished I was a stronger person--more optimistic and forceful
3. Wished that I could change what had happened
4. Wished I could change the way that I felt
5. Daydreamed or imagined a better time or place than the one I was in
6. Had fantasies or wishes about how things might turn out
7. Thought about fantastic or unreal things (like perfect revenge or finding a million dollars) that made me feel better.
8. Wished that situation would go away or somehow be finished
1. Went on as if nothing had happened.
2. Felt bad that I couldn’t avoid the problem.
3. Kept my feeling to myself.
4. Slept more than usual
5. Got mad at the people or things that caused the problem
6. Tried to forget the whole thing
7. Tried to make myself feel better by eating‚ drinking‚ smoking‚ taking medications
8. Avoided being with people in general
9. Kept others from knowing how bad things were
10. Refused to believe it had happened
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این سیاهه به منظور بررسی راه های مقابله با استرس طراحی شده است. شماری ابزار برای این جستار وجود دارد. "فالکمن و لازاروس، 1980" نخسین نسخه با 68 گزاره با هشت زیرمقیاس و در ادامه "ویتالیانو و همکاران، 1985" با 48 گزاره (در اینجا 42 گزاره آمده است) در چهار زمینه پی گرفتند. از آن زمان این ابزار در مطالعات گوناگون به کار گرفته شده است. نسخه 38 ماده ای آن از "سوانگ و همکاران،2010" است که در چهارکشور اندونزی،سنگاپور، سریلانکا و تایلند هنجاریابی شد، که در سایت روان سنجی هست.
Problem-focus (.88)‚ Seeks Social Support (.75)‚ Blamed self (.78)‚ Wishful Thinking (.85)‚ Avoidance (.74)
Vitaliano et al.’s (1985) study indicated strong evidence for the construct and concurrent validity of the short version of WCCL-R.
نمره گذاری:
four-point scale (never used to regularly used)
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter-Vitaliano/publication/247503135_The_Ways_of_Coping_Checklist_Revision_and_Psychometric_Properties/links/0c9605298b0a228143000000/The-Ways-of-Coping-Checklist-Revision-and-Psychometric-Properties.pdf
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Folkman‚ S.‚ & Lazarus‚ R. S. (1980). An analysis of coping in a middle-aged community sample. Journal of Health and Social Behavior‚ 21‚ 219-239.
Lazarus‚ R. S.‚ & Folkman‚ S. (1984). Stress‚ appraisal‚ and coping. New York: Springer.
Vitaliano‚ P. P.‚ Russo‚ J.‚ Carr‚ J. E.‚ Maiuro‚ R. D.‚ Becker‚ J. (1985). The Ways of Coping Checklist: Revision and Psychometric Properties. Multivariate Behav Res‚ 20(1)‚ 3-26.
Sawang S.‚ Oei T.P.S.‚ Goh Y.W.‚ Mansoer‚ W.‚ Markhum‚ E. & Ranawake‚ D. (2010). “The Ways of Coping Checklist Revision-Asian version (WCCL-ASIAN): A new factor structure with confirmatory factor analysis”. Applied Psychology: An International Review‚ 59(2)‚ 202-219