Social and Personal Responsibility Scale

Social and Personal Responsibility Scale
Conrad & Hedin‚ 1981
مقیاس پاسخگویی شخصی و اجتماعی
The next set of questions give you choices about what you feel or think in different situations.
First‚ decide whether you are most like the statement on the left or the statement on the right‚ but do not mark anything YET.
Second‚ after you have decided which side is most like you‚ se‎lect whether the answer is always true or sometimes true for you and place a check in that box .
Always true for me
Sometimes true for me
Some teens worry about their grades
Other teens don’t seem to worry about their grades
Sometimes true for me
Always true for me
Now continue‚ remember to read carefully before answering…Read each statement then choose which side is most like you (left or right) and then mark only ONE answer on that side…
Decide which statement on one side or the other is most like you and then choose your answer by marking only ONE box on that side of the question.
1.     Some teenagers feel bad when they let people down who depend on them. BUT
Other teenagers don’t let it bother them that much.
2.    Some teens think it’s the responsibility of the community to take care of people who can’t take care of themselves. BUT Other teens think that everyone should just take care of themselves.
3.     Some teens are interested in doing something about school problems. BUT Other teens don’t really care to get involved in school problems.
4.     In a group situation‚ some teens let others do most of the work. BUT Other teens help a group all they can.
5.     Some teens seem to find time to work on other people’s problems. BUT Other teens find taking care of their own problems more than enough to do.
6.     Some teens are interested in what other students in class have to say. BUT Other teens don’t care that much about what other students have to say.
7.     Some teens are interested in doing something about the problems in the community. BUT Other teens are not that interested in working on problems in the community.
8.     Some teens carefully prepare for community and school assignments. BUT Other teens usually don’t prepare that much.
9.     Some teens would rather not present ideas in a group discussion. BUT Other teens feel comfortable in presenting ideas in a group discussion.
10. Some teens let others know when they can’t keep an appointment. BUT Other teens don’t call ahead when they can’t make it.
11. Some teens think that people should only help people they know –like close friends and relatives. BUT Other teens think people should help people in general‚ whether they know them personally or not.
12. For some teens‚ it seems too difficult to keep commitments. BUT Other teens somehow manage to keep commitments.
13. Some teens’ ideas are almost listened to by a group. BUT Other teens have a hard time getting a group to pay attention to their suggestions.
14.Some teens don’t think they have much to say about what happens to them. BUT Other teens feel that they can pretty much control what will happen in their lives.
15. Some teens don’t think it makes much sense to help others unless you get paid for it. BUT Other teens think you should help others even if you don’t get paid for it.
16.Some teens are good at helping people. BUT Other teens don’t see helping others as one of their strong points.
17.Some teens feel obligated to carry out tasks assigned to them by the group. BUT Other teens don’t feel bound by group decisions.
18.Some teens think when good things happen‚ it is because of something that they did. BUT For other teens‚ there seems to be no reasons for good things happening‚ it is just luck when things go well.
19.Some teens prefer to have someone clearly lay out their assignments. BUT Other teens prefer to make up their own lists of things to do.
20.Some teens are not that worried about finishing jobs they promised they would do. BUT Other teens would feel really bad about not finishing jobs they promised they would do.
21.Some teens think they are able to help solve problems in the community. BUT Other teens don’t think they can do anything about problems‚ because a few powerful people decide everything.
اعتبار : آلفا 0.83
شرح : این مقیاس پندار جوانان از پاسخگویی شخصی و فردی را اندازه می گیرد. شامل : یاری به دیگران، حل مسائل مدرسه یا گروه و ایجاد و حفظ گروه است.
Description: This scale measures the degree to which youth assume personal and social responsibility. This includes helping others‚ solving school or community problems‚ and making and keeping commitments. The scale requires attention to detail and directions should be carefully explained to respondents’ prior to administering.
کلید واژه
  • commitments
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on page 75-80 of Assessing Outcomes in Child and Youth Programs: A Practical Handbook‚ available online at:
رده سنی: 12 تا 18 سال
نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
1= Always true for me
2= Sometimes true for me
3= Always true for me
4= Sometimes true for me
هما ن گونه که در نمونه آمده است، پاسخ ها در دو بخش سمت راست و چپ آمده است . دو گویه در هر قسمت وجود دارد که آزمودنی باید تصمیم بگیرد که کدام گویه را انتخاب می کند و تنها و تنها یک از آن دو را برگزیده و پاسخ مربوط به آن را نشانه گذاری کند.
Items 4‚9‚11‚12‚14‚15‚19‚ and 20 are reverse coded. Items are then summed for a total score with a higher score reflecting more social and personal responsibility.
Conrad‚ D. & Hedin‚ D. (1981) Instruments and Scoring Guide of the Experimental Education
Evaluation Project. Center for youth development and research. St. Paul‚ MN: University of Minnesota.
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