Social Connectedness Scale

Social Connectedness Scale
Lee & Robbins‚ 1995
مقیاس پیوستگی اجتماعی
1.    I feel disconnected fromthe world around me.
2.    Even around people Iknow‚ I don’t feel that thatI really belong.
3.    I feel so distant frompeople.
4.    I have no sense oftogetherness with mypeers.
5.    I don’t feel related toanyone.
6.    I catch myself losing allsense of connectednesswith society.
7.    Even among my friends‚there is no sense ofbrother/sisterhood.
8.    I don’t feel that Iparticipate with anyone orany group.
Social Assurance Scale

مقیاس تعهد اجتماعی

1. I feel more comfortable when someone is constantly with me.
2. I'm more at ease doing things together with other people.
3. Working side by side with others is more comfortable than working alone.
4. My life is incomplete without a buddy beside me.
5. It's hard for me to use my skills and talents without someone beside me.
6. I stick to my friends like glue.
7. I join groups more for the friendship than the activity itself.
8. I wish to find someone who can be with me all the time.
نسخه 20 گویه ای
Revised Social Connectedness Scale
Lee & Robbins‚ 1998
1.    I feel comfortable in the presence of strangers
2.    I am in tune with the world
3.    Even among my friends‚ there is no sense ofbrother/sisterhood
4.    I fit in well in new situations
5.    I feel close to people
6.    I feel disconnected from the world around me
7.    Even around people I know‚ I don’t feel that Ireally belong
8.    I see people as friendly and approachable
9.    I feel like an outsider
10.I feel understood by the people I know
11.I feel distant from people
12.I am able to relate to my peers
13.I have little sense of togetherness with my peers
14.I find myself actively involved in people’s lives.
15.I catch myself losing a sense of connectedness withsociety
16.I am able to connect with other people.
17.I see myself as a loner.
18.I don’t feel related to most people.
19.My friends feel like family.
20.I don’t feel I participate with anyone or any group
اعتبار: آلفا 0.94 برای نسخه کوتاه و 0.92 برای نسخه 20 ماده ای
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این مقیاس میزان پیوستگی نزدیک میان فرد و شبکه اجتماعی او و همچنین میزان دشواری مدیریت احساس به رابطه نزدیک را اندازه گیری می کند.
چگونگی دستیابی
رده سنی: 14 تا 18 سال ، دبیرستان
نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
1= Strongly Disagree to 6= Strongly Agree
All of the items are reversed.  The items are then summed for a total score. A high score indicates more connectedness to others.
Permission: This scale requires permission from the authors for use.
Lee‚ R. M.‚ & Robbins S. B. (1995). Measuring belongingness: The social connectedness and the social assurance scales. Journal of Counseling Psychology‚ 42 (2): 232-241.
Lee‚ Rich‎ard‚ M.‚ Robbins‚ Steven ‚ B. (1998). The Relationship Between Social Connectedness and Anxiety‚ Self-Esteem‚ and Social Identity. Journal of Counseling Psychology‚ 45(3): 338-345.

Lee‚ Rich‎ard‚ M.‚ Draper‚ M.‚and Lee‚ Sujin. (2001). Social Connectedness‚ Dysfunctional Interpersonal Behaviors‚ and Psychological Distress: Testing a Mediator Model. Journal of Counseling Psychology‚ 48(3): 310-318

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