Social Support Questionnaire – Short Form (SSQSR)
Sarason‚ Sarason‚ Shearin‚ & Pierce (1987)
پرسشنامه حمایت اجتماعی- فرم کوتاه
1. Whom can you really count on to be dependable when you need help?
1a.How satisfied are you with that level of support?
2. Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tense?
2a.How satisfied are you with that level of support?
3. Who accepts you totally‚ including both your worst and best points?
3a.How satisfied are you with that level of support?
4. Whom can you really count on to care about you‚ regardless of what is happening to you?
4a. How satisfied are you with that level of support?
5. Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps?
5a. How satisfied are you with that level of support?
6. Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset?
6a.How satisfied are you with that level of support?
شرح سایت روان سنجی: نسخه اصلی این پرسشنامه 27 پرسش دارد. دارای دو خرده مقیاس : 1) شمار حمایت اجتماعی و 2) خشنودی از حمایت اجتماعی است. پرسشنامه کوتاه فقط خرده مقیاس خشنودی را دربر دارد.
نخست از آزمودنی خواسته می شود نام 9 تن از کسانی را که به گونه ای می توانند او را پشتیابی و یاری کنند، بنویسد و سپس درباره هر یک به پرسش های 6 گانه پاسخ دهد.
اعتبار: آلفا کرونباخ 0.90
نمره گذاری
1 = Very Dissatisfied‚ 2 = Fairly Dissatisfied‚ 3 = A Little Dissatisfied‚ 4 = A Little Satisfied‚ 5 = Fairly Satisfied‚ 6 = Very Satisfied
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Sarason‚ I. & Shearin‚ E. (1986). The Short Form of the Social Support Questionnaire.Unpublished manuscript. University of Washington: Seattle. Cited in Sarason‚ B.‚Shearin‚ E.‚ Pierce‚ G.‚ & Sarason‚ I. (1987). Interrelations of Social Support Measures:Theoretical and Practical Implications. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚52(4)‚ 813-832.