Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale-3- SATAQ-3-I-G

Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale-3 -Internalization-General subscale ((SATAQ-3-I-G)
Thompson‚ J.K.‚ van den Berg‚ P‚ Roehrig‚ M.‚ Guarda‚ A.S.‚ & Heinberg‚ L.J. (2004)
مقیاس نگرش اجتماعی فرهنگی به ظاهر
1. __________ I would like my body to look like the people who are on TV.
2. __________ I compare my body to the bodies of TV and movie stars.
3. __________ I would like my body to look like the models who appear in magazines.
4. __________ I compare my appearance to the appearance of TV and movie stars.
5. __________ I would like my body to look like the people who are in movies.
6. __________ I compare my body to the bodies of people who appear in magazines
7. __________ I wish I looked like the models in music videos.
8. __________ I compare my appearance to the appearance of people in magazines.
9. __________ I try to look like the people on TV.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این مقیاس برای اندازه گیری گرایش آزمودنی به مقایسه اجتماعی خود با هنرپیشگان و مدل ها در رسانه ها می پردازد.
اعتبار: آلفا کرونباخ 0.95
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on page 117 of The Effects of Ambiguous Appearance-related Feedback on Body Image‚ Mood States‚ and Intentions to Use Body Changes Strategies in College Women. Available online at:
نمره گذاری
1=Definitely Disagree‚ 2=Mostly Disagree‚ 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree‚ 4=Mostly Agree‚ 5=Definitely Agree
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Thompson‚ J.K.‚ van den Berg‚ P‚ Roehrig‚ M.‚ Guarda‚ A.S.‚ & Heinberg‚ L.J. (2004).
The sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3):Development and validation. International Journal of Eating Disorders‚ 35‚ 293-304.
Herbozo‚ Sylvia.‚ (2007). The Effects of Ambiguous Appearance-related Feedback on Body Image‚ Mood States‚ and Intentions to Use Body Changes Strategies in College Women. University of South Florida‚ College of Arts and Sciences‚ Department of Psychology.