Social Support Questionnaire for Children

Social Support Questionnaire for Children (SSQC)
Gordon‚ Thompson‚ Kelley‚ Schexnaildre‚ & Burns‚ 2010
پرسشنامه حمایت اجتماعی برای کودکان
1.    I enjoyspendingtimewithasibling.
2.    I haveasiblingwhotreatsmefairly.
3.    A relativehelpsmefeelgoodaboutmyself.
4.    A relativehelpsmewhenIamsickorinjured.
5.    A peercomfortsmewhenIamupset.
6.    A peercaresaboutmeandmakesmefeelwanted.
7.    A siblinghelpsmewhenIneedit.
8.    A peergivesmeaffection(hugs‚patsmeontheback).
9.    A parentshowsmeaffection.
10.A relativeistherewhenIneedthem.
11.A peergivesmegood advice.
12.I havearelativewhoshowsmehowtodothings.
13.I haveanadultinmylifewhoreallycaresaboutme.
14.A siblingwillletmeborrowmoneyifneeded.
15.A peer accepts me for who I am.
16.A parent makes sure I have what I need.
17.A peer supports my decisions.
18.A relative helps me when I need it.
19.I have a peer I can count on.
20.A peer encourages me.
21.A sibling comforts me when I am upset.
22.A parent helps me feel good about myself.
23.I have a parent who encourages me.
24.I have a parent who treats me fairly.
25.A parent helps me when I need it.
26.A relative explains things I don’t understand.
27.I have a sibling who supports my decisions.
28.An adult comforts me when I am upset.
29.An adult spends time with me when I need it.
30.A relative comforts me when I am upset.
31.A parent shows me how to do things.
32.I have an adult in my life who I can really count on.
33.I have a parent that I can count on.
34.A sibling gives me affection.
35.A parent cares about my feelings.
36.A relative listens when I want to talk.
37.A parent listens when I want to talk.
38.I have a peer who treats me fairly.
39.An adult shows me how to do things.
40.I have a sibling who cares about me.
41.A relative helps take care of things I can’t do alone.
42.I have a peer who I can talk to.
43.An adult helps me when I need it.
44.An adult helps me feel good about myself.
45.I have a sibling I can trust to keep a secret.
46.An adult gives me good advice.
47.A sibling accepts me for who I am.
48.An adult shows me affection.
49.A relative helps me cope with my problems.
50.An adult cares about my feelings.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار به 5 زمینه: والدین، وابستگان، بزرگسالان (غیر خویشاوند)، همسالان ، خواهران و برادران می پردازد.
اعتبار برای کل ابزار 0.97 گزارش شده است.
نمره گذاری
1=Never or Rarely True‚ 1=Sometimes True‚ 2=Often or Very True‚ 3=Always True
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Gordon‚ A.T.‚ Thompson‚ J.‚ Kelley‚ M. L.‚ Schexnaildre‚ M. A.‚ & Burns‚ M. A. (2010). The Social Support Questionnaire for Children. Unpublished manuscript
Schexnaildre AM. (2011). Predicting posttraumatic growth: coping‚ social support‚ and posttraumatic stressin children and adolescents after hurricane Katrina. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. [MAthesis].
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سپاس بیکران حضور دکتر باقر ثنایی ، به خاطر تلاش هایش در حوزه سنجش خانواده و ازدواج . که درک محضرش را از دست دادم .
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