Situationism/Interactionism/Dispositionism/ Scale

Situationism/Interactionism/Dispositionism/ Scale (SID)
Norenzayan‚ Choi & Nisbett‚ (1998‚2002)
مقیاس موقعیت گرایی/ تعامل گرایی/ اسنادگرایی
Please read the following paragraphs. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with
each statement by circling the number that best corresponds to your answer.
Argument 1
How people behave is mostly determined by their personality. One’s personality predisposes and guides an individual to behave in one way‚ not in another way‚ no matter what circumstances the person is in. In a sense‚ behavior is an unfolding of personality.
One’s behavior is remarkably stable across time and consistent across situations because it is guided personality. Therefore‚ if we know the personality of one person‚ we can easily predict how the person will behave in the future and explain why that person behaved in the particular way in the past.
To what extent do you agree with argument 1?
1=strongly disagree‚ 2=moderately disagree‚ 3=somewhat disagree‚ 4=neutral‚ 5=somewhat agree‚ 6=moderately agree‚ 7=strongly agree
How well does argument 1 describe human nature?
1=Extremely Poorly‚ 2=Moderately Poorly‚ 3=Slightly Poorly‚ 4=Neutral‚ 5=Slightly Well ‚ 6=Moderately Well‚ 7=Extremely Well
Argument 2
How people behave is mostly determined by the situation in which they find themselves. Situational power is so strong that we can say it has more influence on behavior than one’s personality. Often‚ people in a particular situation behave very similarly‚ despite large individual differences in personality. Therefore‚ in order to predict and explain one’s behavior‚ we have to focus on the situation rather than personality. Personality plays a weaker role in behavior than we used to think.
To what extent do you agree with argument 2?
1=strongly disagree‚ 2=moderately disagree‚ 3=somewhat disagree‚ 4=neutral‚ 5=somewhat agree‚ 6=moderately agree‚ 7=strongly agree
How well does argument 2 describe human nature?
1=Extremely Poorly‚ 2=Moderately Poorly‚ 3=Slightly Poorly‚ 4=Neutral‚ 5=Slightly Well ‚ 6=Moderately Well‚ 7=Extremely Well
Argument 3
How people behave is always jointly determined by their personality and the situation in which they find themselves. We cannot claim that either personality or the situation is the only determinant of our behavior. Our behavior is an outcome of the complex interaction between personality and situational factors. We always have to consider personality and situation simultaneously. Therefore‚ we cannot predict and explain one’s behavior with personality or situation alone.
To what extent do you agree with argument 3?
1=strongly disagree‚ 2=moderately disagree‚ 3=somewhat disagree‚ 4=neutral‚ 5=somewhat agree‚ 6=moderately agree‚ 7=strongly agree
How well does argument 3 describe human nature?
1=Extremely Poorly‚ 2=Moderately Poorly‚ 3=Slightly Poorly‚ 4=Neutral‚ 5=Slightly Well ‚ 6=Moderately Well‚ 7=Extremely Well
شرح سایت روان سنجی : این ابزار سه نظریه را مورد پرسش قرار می دهد. نخست موقعیت گرایی ( به این معنی که شرایط و موقعیت ها بجای شخص ، رفتار را تعیین می کنند.) ، دوم : تعامل گرایی ( به این معنی که رفتار، ناشی از تعامل های انسانی است.) و سوم : اسنادگرایی ( رفتار مردم از عوامل درونی چون: باورها، ارزش ها ، ویژگی های شخصیتی است ).
اعتبار : شواهدی در دست نیست.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع جهت آگاهی بیشتر
Choi‚ I.‚ Nisbett‚ R. E.‚ & Norenzayan‚ A. (1999). Causal attribution across cultures: Variation and universality. Psychological Bulletin‚ 125(1)‚ 47-63.
Norenzayan‚ A.‚ Choi‚ I.‚ & Nisbett‚ R. E. (2002). Cultural similarities and differences in social inference: Evidence from behavioral predictions and lay theories of behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin‚ 28(1)‚ 109-120.
Tom. David M.‚ (2006). Effects of perceived discrimination: rejection and identification as two distinct pathways and their associated effects. Ohio State University. PhD dissertation.