Danger Assessment
Jacquelyn Campbell. 1986
سنجش خطر جانی
Several risk factors have been associated with homicides (murders) of both batterers and battered women in research conducted after the murders have taken place. We cannot predict what willhappen in your case‚ but we would like you to be aware of the danger of homicide in situations ofsevere battering and for you to see how many of the risk factors apply to your situation.
On the calendar‚ please mark the approximate dates during the past year when you were beaten by your husband or partner. Write on that date how long each incident lasted in approximate hours and rate the incident according to the following scale:
1. Slapping‚ pushing; no injuries and/or lasting pain
2. Punching‚ kicking; bruises‚ cuts‚ and/or continuing pain
3. “Beating up”; severe contusions‚ burns‚ broken bones
4. Threat to use weapon; head injury‚ internal injury‚ permanent injury
5. Use of weapon; wounds from weapon
(If any of the descriptions for the higher number apply‚ use the higher number.)
Answer these questions Yes or No. The “he” in the questions refers to your husband‚ partner‚ ex-husband‚ or whoever is currently physically hurting you.
___1. Has the physical violence increased in frequency over the past year?
___2. Has he ever used a weapon against you or threatened you with a weapon?
___3. Does he ever try to choke you?
___4. Does he own a gun?
___5. Has he ever forced you to have sex when you did not wish to do so?
___6. Does he use drugs? By drugs‚ I mean “uppers” or amphetamines‚ speed‚ angel dust‚ cocaine‚ “crack”‚ street drugs or mixtures.
___7. Does he threaten to kill you and/or do you believe he is capable of killing you?
___8. Is he drunk every day or almost every day? (In terms of quantity of alcohol.)
___9. Does he control most or all of the your daily activities? For instance: does he tell you who you can be friends with‚ how much money you can take with you shopping‚ or when you can take the car? (If he tries‚ but you do not let him‚ check here: ____)
___10. Have you ever been beaten by him while you were pregnant? (If you have never been pregnant by him‚ check here: ____)
___11. Is he violently and constantly jealous of you? (For instance‚ does he say “If I can’t have you‚ no one can.”)
___12. Have you ever threatened or tried to commit suicide?
___13. Has he ever threatened or tried to commit suicide?
____ 14. Does he threaten to harm your children?
____ 15. Do you have a child that is not his?
____ 16. Is he unemployed?
____ 17. Have you left him during the past year (If you have never lived with him‚ check here __)
____ 18. Do you currently have another (different) intimate partner?
____ 19. Does he follow or spy on you‚ leave threatening notes‚ destroy your property‚ or call you when you don’t want him to?
___ Total “Yes” Answers
در نسخه ای دیگر ابزار پرسشهای 2 و 4 جمله بندی متفاوت دارند، دارای 15 پرسش است به سخن دیگر با دو پرسش 14 و 15 زیر جمع محاسبه می شود.
___2. Has the physical violence increased in severity over the past year and/or has a weapon or threat from a weapon ever been used?
___4. Is there a gun in the house?
___14. Is he violent toward your children?
___15. Is he violent outside of the home?
شرح سایت روان سنجی: ارزیابی خطر جانی (قتل) از سوی شریک زندگی مورد نظر است.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی 0.66 – 0.86 ، بازازمایی 0.890- 0.94.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع و ماخذ
Campbell JC (1986). Nursing assessment for risk of homicide with battered women. Advances in Nursing Science‚ 8‚ 36-51.
Campbell JC (1989). Women’s responses to sexual abuse in intimate relationships. Health Care for Women International‚ 10‚ 335-46.
Campbell JC (1995). Prediction of homicide of and by battered women. In JC Campbell (Ed.)‚ Assessing dangerousness: Violence by sexual offenders‚ batterers‚ and child abusers (pp. 96 - 113). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Goodman LA‚ Dutton MA‚ Bennett L (2000). Predicting repeat abuse among arrested batterers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence‚ 15‚ 63-74.
McFarlane J‚ Greenberg L‚ Weltge A‚ Watson M (1995). Identification of abuse in emergency departments: Effectiveness of a two-question screening tool. Journal of Emergency Nursing‚ 21‚ 391-94.