Sutter-Eyberg Student Behaviour Inventory (SESBI)
Eyberg & Sutter‚ 1984
سیاهه رفتار دانش آموزان آیبرگ- سوتر
1. Dawdles in obeying rules or instructions
2. Argues with teachers about rules or instructions
3. Has difficulty accepting criticism or correction
4. Does not obey school rules on his/her own
5. Refuses to obey until threatened with punishment
6. Gets angry when doesn't get his/her own way
7. Act defiant when told to do something
8. Has temper tantrums
9. Sasses teacher(s)
13.Yells or screams
14.Hits teacher(s)
15.Is careless with books and other objects
16.Destroys books and other objects
19.Makes noises in class
20.Teases or provokes other students
21.Acts bossy with other students
22.Verbally fights with other students
23.Physically fights with other students
24.Demands teacher attention
25.Interrupts teachers
26.Interrupts other students
27.Has difficulty entering groups
28.Has difficulty sharing materials
29.Is uncooperative in group activities
30.Blames others for problem behaviors
31.Is easily distracted
32.Has difficulty staying on task
33.Acts frustrated with difficult tasks
34.Fails to finish tasks or projects
35.Impulsive‚ acts before thinking
36.Is overactive or restless
شرح سایت روان سنجی:این ابزار برای غریالگری و شناسایی کودکان نیازمند درمان است که توسط معلم یا کسی که از کودک مراقبت می کند؛ تکمیل می شود. ابزار در سال 1999 بازنگری شده و دارای 38 گویه است. برای هر گویه دو پاسخ داده می شود، نخست در یک مقیاس هفت گزینه ای از" هیچگاه تا همیشه" فراوانی رفتار و سپس در یک مقیاس دو ارزشی "بلی، خیر" مشکل روشن می شود.
Intensity scale and Problem scale
زمینه ها و اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی برای هر دو زمینه 0.98 ، میانگین توافق معلمان برای "شدت" 0.85 و برای "مشکل" 0.87 و بازآزمایی پس از یک هفته r=0.90‚ 0.89 (فاندربارک، ایبرگ و ببهار، 1989) گزارش شده است. توجه شود در منبعی میانگین ضریب توافق معلمان 0.68 گزارش شده است.
نمره گذاری: مقادیر T هنجار شده مقیاس را در این نشانی ببینید.
1- Never‚ 2- Seldom- 3‚ 4- Sometimes‚ 5- Often-6‚ 7- Always
Is this problem for you? YES‚ NO
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Eyberg‚ S.‚ & Pincus‚ D. (1999). Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory & Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory-Revised: Professional Manual. Odessa‚ FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Burns‚ G. L.‚ & Patterson‚ D. R. (1990). Conduct problem behaviors in a stratified random sample of children and adolescents: New standardization data on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology‚ 2 (4)‚ 391-397.
Burns‚ G. L.‚ & Patterson‚ D. R. (2001). Normative Data on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory: Parent and Teacher Rating Scales of Disruptive Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents. Child & Family Behavior Therapy‚ 23(1)‚ 15-28.
Boggs‚ S. R.‚ Eyberg‚ S.‚ & Reynolds‚ L. A. (1990). Concurrent validity of the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology‚ 19 (1)‚ 75-78.
Burns‚ G. L.‚ Patterson‚ D. R.‚ Nussbaum‚ B. R.‚ & Parker‚ C. M. (1991). Disruptive behaviors in an outpatient pediatric population: Additional standardization data on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. Psychological Assessment‚ 3 (2)‚ 202-207.
Butler‚ A.‚ Brestan‚ E.‚ & Eyberg‚ S. (2008). Examination of the Eyberg Child Behavior discrepancy hypothesis. Child & Family Behavior Therapy‚ 30‚ 3‚ 257-262.
Eisenstadt‚ T. H.‚ McElreath‚ L. H.‚ Eyberg‚ S. M.‚ & McNeil‚ C. B. (1994). Interparent agreement on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. Child & Family Behavior Therapy‚ 16 (1)‚ 21-27.
Eyberg‚ S. M. (1992). Parent and teacher behavior inventories for the assessment of conduct problem behaviors in children. In L. VandeCreek‚ S. Knapp & T. L. Jackson (Eds.)‚ Innovations in clinical practice: A source book (Vol. 12‚ pp. 377–382). Sarasota‚ FL: Professional Resource Press; 1992. pp. 261–270.
Eyberg‚ S. M.‚ & Robinson‚ E. A. (1983). Conduct problem behavior: Standardization of a behavioral rating scale with adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology‚ 12 (3)‚ 347-354.
Eyberg‚ S. M.‚ & Ross‚ A. W. (1978‚ September). Assessment of child behavior problems: The validation of a new inventory. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology‚ 113-116.