International Personality Item Pool

International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)
Goldberg‚ 1999
مجموعه گویه های عمومی شخصیت
نسخه یکم
1.       … I am the life of the party.   
2.       … I feel little concern for others.
3.       … I am always prepared.       
4.       … I get stressed out easily.     
5.       … I have a rich vocabulary.    
6.       … I don't talk a lot.               
7.       … I am interested in people.
8.       ... I leave my belongings around.
9.       … I am relaxed most of the time.
10.    … I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
11.    … I feel comfortable around people.
12.    … I insult people.                  
13.    … I pay attention to details.    
14.    … I worry about things.
15.    … I have a vivid imagination.
16.    … I keep in the background.
17.    … I sympathize with others' feelings.
18.    … I make a mess of things.    
19.    … I seldom feel blue.   
20.    … I am not interested in abstract ideas.
21.    … I start conversations.
22.    … I am not interested in other people's problems.
23.    … I get chores done right away.
24.    … I am easily disturbed.         
25.    … I have excellent ideas.        
26.    … I have little to say.   
27.    … I have a soft heart.  
28.    … I often forget to put things back in their proper place.
29.    … I get upset easily.    
30.    … I do not have a good imagination.
31.    … I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
32.    … I am not really interested in others.
33.    … I like order.             
34.    … I change my mood a lot.    
35.    … I am quick to understand things.
36.    … I don't like to draw attention to myself.
37.    … I take time out for others.  
38.    … I shirk my duties.              
39.    … I have frequent mood swings.
40.    … I use difficult words. 
41.    … I don't mind being the center of attention.
42.    … I feel other’s emotions.      
43.    … I follow a schedule.  
44.    … I get irritated easily. 
45.    … I spend time reflecting on things.
46.    … I am quiet around strangers.
47.    … I make people feel at ease.
48.    … I am exacting in my work.   
49.    … I often feel blue.               
50.    … I am full of ideas.              
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار دارای پنج خرده مقیاس سطح برون گرایی، سازگاری، وظیفه شناسی، ثبات هیجانی و تجربه پذیری (گشوده بودن) است.
نمره گذاری
Reverse Scoring: For questions 2‚ 4‚ 6‚ 8‚ 10‚ 12‚ 14‚ 16‚ 18‚ 20‚ 22‚ 24‚ 26‚ 28‚ 29‚ 30‚ 32‚ 34‚ 36‚ 38‚ 39‚ 44‚ 46‚ 49
Extraversion (Items: 1‚ 6‚ 11‚ 16‚ 21‚ 26‚ 31‚ 36‚ 41‚ and 46)
Agreeableness (Items: 2‚ 7‚ 12‚ 17‚ 22‚ 27‚ 32‚ 37‚ 42‚ and 47)
Conscientiousness (Items: 3‚ 8‚ 13‚ 18‚ 23‚ 28‚ 33‚ 38‚ 43‚ and 48)
Emotional Stability (Items: 4‚ 9‚ 14‚ 19‚ 24‚ 29‚ 34‚ 39‚ 44‚ and 49)
Openness (Items: 5‚ 10‚ 15‚ 20‚ 25‚ 30‚ 35‚ 40‚ 45‚ and 50)
گویه های مشترک عمومی شخصیت
نسخه دوم
International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)
Goldberg‚ 1999
1.             ____ Am always prepared.
2.             ____ Believe in the importance of art.
3.             ____ Waste my time.
4.             ____ Have a good word for everyone.
5.             ____ Feel comfortable around people.
6.             ____ Would describe my experiences as somewhat dull.
7.             ____ Often feel blue.
8.             ____ Pay attention to detail.
9.             ____ Avoid philosophical discussions.
10.          ____ Find it difficult to get down to work.
11.          ____ Have a vivid imagination.
12.          ____ Have a sharp tongue.
13.          ____ Get chores done right away.
14.          ____ Feel comfortable with myself.
15.          ____ Cut others to pieces.
16.          ____ Believe that others have good intentions.
17.          ____ Make friends easily.
18.          ____ Do just enough work to get by.
19.          ____ Carry out my plans.
20.          ____ Do not enjoy going to art museums.
21.          ____ Tend to vote for liberal political candidates.
22.          ____ Dislike myself.
23.          ____ Have little to say
24.          ____ Respect others.
25.          ____ Don’t talk a lot.
26.          ____ Tend to vote for conservative political candidates.
27.          ____ Don’t see things through.
28.          ____ Get back at others.
29.          ____ Make plans and stick to them.
30.          ____ Carry the conversation to a higher level.
31.          ____ Am skilled in handling social situations
32.          ____ Keep in the background.
33.          ____ Shirk my duties.
34.          ____ Am often down in the dumps.
35.          ____ Accept people as they are.
36.          ____ Don’t like to draw attention to myself.
37.          ____ Am not easily bothered by things.
38.          ____ Am the life of the party.
39.          ____ Suspect hidden motives in others.
40.          ____ Enjoy hearing new ideas.
41.          ____ Rarely get irritated.
42.          ____ Have frequent mood swings.
43.          ____ Seldom feel blue.
44.          ____ Make people feel at ease.
45.          ____ Am not interested in abstract ideas.
46.          ____ Am very pleased with myself.
47.          ____ Insult people.
48.          ____ Know how to captivate people.
49.          ____ Do not like art.
50.          ____ Panic easily.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار دارای پنج خرده مقیاس سطح برون گرایی، سازگاری، وظیفه شناسی، روان نژندی و تجربه پذیری (گشوده بودن) است. پنجاه گویه زیر توسط "موری و همکاران، 2004" برگزیده شده است. هماهنگی درونی برای هر یک از خرده مقیاس ها به شرح زیر است.
0.83 for Neuroticism (alpha 0.83)‚ Extraversion(alpha 0.81)‚ Openness(alpha 0.71)‚ Agreeableness (alpha 0.78) and Conscientiousness (alpha 0.82). (Murray et al.‚ 2004)
نمره گذاری:
1: Very Inaccurate‚ 2: Moderately Inaccurate‚ 3: Neither Inaccurate nor Accurate‚ 4: Moderately Accurate‚ 5: Very Accurate
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Goldberg‚ L. R.‚ Johnson‚ J. A.‚ Eber‚ H. W.‚ Hogan‚ R.‚ Ashton‚ M. C.‚ Cloninger‚ C. R.‚ et al. (2006). The International Personality Item Pool and the Future of Public-Domain Personality Measures. Journal of Research in Personality‚ 40(1)‚ 84-96.
For more information on the Big 5 and their measurement‚ see:
Digman‚ J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor structure. Annual Review of Psychology‚ 41‚ 417-440.
Goldberg‚ L. R. (1990). An alternative “description of personality”: The Big-Five factor structure. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology‚ 59‚ 1216-1229.
Goldberg‚ L. R. (1992). The development of markers of the Big-Five factor structure. Psychological Assessment‚ 4(1)‚ 26-42.
John‚ O. P.‚ & Srivastava‚ S. (1999). The big-five trait taxonomy: History‚ measurement‚ and theoretical perspectives. In L. Pervin & O. P. John (Eds.)‚ Handbook of personality: Theory and research (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford.
McCrae‚ R. R.‚ & John‚ O. P. (1992). An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications. Journal of Personality‚ 60‚ 175-215.
Murray‚ G.‚ Judd‚ F.‚ Jackson‚ H.‚ Fraser‚ C.‚ Komiti‚ A.‚ Hodgins‚ G.‚ Pattison‚ P.‚ Humphreys‚ J.‚ & Robins‚ G. (2004). Rurality and mental health: The role of accessibility. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry‚ 38‚ 629–634.
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