Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI)
Funk and Rogge‚ 2007
شاخص رضایت زوج ها
نسخه 32 گویه ای
1. Please indicate the degree of happiness‚ all things considered‚ of your relationship.
0=Extremely Unhappy‚ 1=Fairly Unhappy‚ 2= A Little Unhappy‚ 3= Happy‚ 4=Very Happy‚ 5=Extremely Happy‚ 6=Perfect
Most people have disagreements in their relationships. Please indicate below the approximate extent of agreement or disagreement between you and your partner for each item on the following list.
2. Amount of time spent together
5=Always Agree‚ 4=Almost Always Agree‚ 3= Occasionally Disagree‚ 2=Frequently Disagree‚ 1=Almost Always Disagree‚ 0=Always Disagree
3. Making major decisions
5=Always Agree‚ 4=Almost Always Agree‚ 3= Occasionally Disagree‚ 2=Frequently Disagree‚ 1=Almost Always Disagree‚ 0=Always Disagree
4. Demonstrations of affection
5=Always Agree‚ 4=Almost Always Agree‚ 3= Occasionally Disagree‚ 2=Frequently Disagree‚ 1=Almost Always Disagree‚ 0=Always Disagree
5. In general‚ how often do you think that things between you and your partner are going well?
5=All the time‚ 4=Most of the time‚ 3=More often than not‚ 2=occasionally‚ 1=Rarely‚ 0=Never
6. How often do you wish you hadn't gotten into this relationship?
0=All the time‚ 1=Most of the time‚ 2=More often than not‚ 3=Occasionally‚ 4=Rarely‚ 5=Never
For Items 7-18 use: 0= Not at all True‚ 1= A little True‚ 2= Somewhat True‚ 3=Mostly True‚ 4= Almost Completely True‚ 5=Completely True
7. I still feel a strong connection with my partner
8. If I had my life to live over‚ I would marry (or live with/date) the same person
9. Our relationship is strong
10. I sometimes wonder if there is someone else out there for me (R)
11. My relationship with my partner makes me happy
12. I have a warm and comfortable relationship with my partner
13. I can't imagine ending my relationship with my partner
14. I feel that I can confide in my partner about virtually anything
15. I have had second thoughts about this relationship recently (R)
16. For me‚ my partner is the perfect romantic partner
17. I really feel like part of a team with my partner
18. I cannot imagine another person making me as happy as my partner does
For Items 19-22 use: 0=Not at all‚ 1= A little‚ 2= Somewhat‚ 3= Mostly‚ 4=Almost Completely‚ 5= Completely
19. How rewarding is your relationship with your partner?
20. How well does your partner meet your needs?
21. To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations?
22. In general‚ how satisfied are you with your relationship?
23. How good is your relationship compared to most?
Worse than all others (Extremely bad) 0‚ 1‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4‚ 5 Better than all others (Extremely good)
24. Do you enjoy your partner's company?
0=Never‚ 1=Less than Once a month‚ 2= Once or twice a month‚ 3=Once or twice a week‚ 4= once a day‚ 5=More often
25. How often do you and your partner have fun together?
0=Never‚ 1=Less than Once a month‚ 2= Once or twice a month‚ 3=Once or twice a week‚ 4= once a day‚ 5=More often
For each of the following items‚ select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your responses on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.
26. INTERESTING 5‚ 4‚ 3‚ 2‚ 1‚ 0 BORING
27. BAD 0‚ 1‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4‚ 5 GOOD
28. FULL 5‚ 4‚ 3‚ 2‚ 1‚ 0 EMPTY
29. LONELY 0‚ 1‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4‚ 5 FRIENDLY
30. STURDY 5‚ 4‚ 3‚ 2‚ 1‚ 0 FRAGILE
31. DISCOURAGING 0‚ 1‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4‚ 5 HOPEFUL
32. ENJOYABLE 5‚ 4‚ 3‚ 2‚ 1‚ 0 MISERABLE
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار برپایه بررسی چندین آزمون خشنودی زناشویی و به روش IRT پدید آمده است.
اعتبار: مقیاس 16 گویه ای آلفا 0.98، مقیاس 4 گویه ای آلفا 0.94
نمره گذاری:
For the 16-item version use 1‚ 5‚ 9‚ 11‚ 12‚ 17‚ 19‚ 20‚ 21‚ 22‚ 26‚ 27‚ 28‚ 30‚ 31‚ 32
For the 4-item version use 1‚ 12‚ 19‚ 22
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Funk‚ J. L. & Rogge‚ R. D. (2007). Testing the ruler with item response theory: Increasing precision of measurement for relationship satisfaction with the CouplesSatisfaction Index. Journal of Family Psychology‚ 21(4)‚ 572-583.