Jung Typology Test
Based on Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers
آزمون تیپ شناسی یونگ
شرح سایت روان سنجی: برپایه نظریه "یونگ" آزمون های گوناگونی ارائه شده است. در زیر پنج آزمون که در اینترنت به گونه برخط در دسترس هست، ارائه می شود.
YES‚ yes‚ uncertain‚ no‚ NO
1. You are almost never late for your appointments
2. You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job
3. You enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances
4. You feel involved when watching TV soaps
5. You are usually the first to react to a sudden event: the telephone ringing or unexpected question
6. You feel that the world is founded on compassion
7. You think that everything in the world is relative
8. Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent attaining a good outcome
9. It is difficult to get you excited
10.When making a decision‚ you rely more on your feelings than on analysis of the situation
11.You often think about humankind and its destiny
12.You believe the best decision is one which can be easily changed
13.You often ponder the root cause of phenomena and things
14.You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate about various options
15.You trust reason rather than feelings
16.You are inclined to rely more on improvisation than on prior planning
17.You spend your leisure time actively socializing with a group of people‚ attending parties‚ shopping‚ etc.
18.You usually plan your actions in advance
19.Your actions are frequently influenced by your emotions
20.You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication
21.You know how to put every minute of your time to good purpose
22.You often contemplate the complexity of life
23.After prolonged socializing you feel you need to get away and be alone
24.You often do jobs in a hurry
25.You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences
26.You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions
27.You find it difficult to speak loudly
28.You get bored if you have to read theoretical books
29.You tend to sympathize with other people
30.You value justice higher than mercy
31.You rapidly get involved in the social life of a new workplace
32.The more people you speak to‚ the better you feel
33.You tend to rely on your experience rather than on theoretical alternatives
34.As a rule‚ you proceed only when you have a clear and detailed plan
35.You easily empathize with the concerns of other people
36.Often you prefer to read a book than go to a party
37.When with a group of people‚ you enjoy being directly involved and being at the centre of attention
38.You are more inclined to experiment than to follow familiar approaches
39.You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles
40.Deadlines seem to you to be of relative rather than absolute importance
41.You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises
42.For you‚ it is easier to gain knowledge through hands-on experience than from books or manuals
43.You think that almost everything can be analyzed
44.For you‚ no surprises is better than surprises - bad or good ones
45.You take pleasure in putting things in order
46.You feel at ease in a crowd
47.You have good control over your desires and temptations
48.You easily understand new theoretical principles
49.You usually place yourself nearer to the side than in the center of the room
50.When solving a problem you would rather follow a familiar approach than seek a new one
51.A thirst for adventure is something close to your heart
52.When considering a situation you pay more attention to the current situation and less to a possible sequence of events
53.When solving a problem you consider the rational approach to be the best
54.You find it difficult to talk about your feelings
55.Your decisions are based more on the feeling of a moment than on the thorough planning
56.You prefer to spend your leisure time alone or relaxing in a tranquil atmosphere
57.You feel more comfortable sticking to conventional ways
58.You are easily affected by strong emotions
59.You are always looking for opportunities
60.As a rule‚ current preoccupations worry you more than your future plans
61.It is easy for you to communicate in social situations
62.You rarely deviate from your habits
63.You willingly involve yourself in matters which engage your sympathies
64.You easily perceive various ways in which events could develop
نسخه ای دیگر
1. Would you prefer to read
· a fictional story or poem
· a news story
2. Do you find it more natural to remember
· numbers and figures
· faces and names
3. Do you more often tend to
· think through what you will say before speaking
· talk off the top of your head
4. Do you think that you tend to take things personally?
· yes
· no
5. If you're feeling stressed out‚ do you prefer to
· spend time alone
· blow off steam with friends
6. When deciding whether or not to purchase something‚ is the determining factor more often
· how much you really need it
· how much you really like it
7. In terms of promptness‚ are you usually
· early
· on time
· late
· it depends
8. Are you more prone to
· speak without thinking and put 'your foot in your mouth'
· miss an opportunity and later think "I should have said..."
9. Which term is more appealing to you?
· clarity
· harmony
10. Do you more frequently
· act spontaneously
· act deliberately‚ with a goal or plan in mind
11. If a decision is made which affects you‚ such as being made redundant‚ is it more important to you to know that
· you are appreciated
· you have been treated fairly
12. Do areas where you work tend to appear
· organised
· disorganised
13. Would you typically
· rather do something than think about doing it
· enjoy thinking about something almost as much or more than actually doing it
14. When communicating with others‚ are you more often
· frank and direct with little or no prompting
· frank and direct when prompted‚ or when necessary
15. Does it describe you better to say that you
· don't like surprises
· enjoy the excitement and spontaneity of surprises
16. Do you value more highly
· logic and reason
· compassion
17. Do you get more satisfaction from thinking about
· your plans
· your achievements
18. Do you
· enjoy watching the news or reading the paper most days
· have little interest in the news
19. When it comes to doing detailed‚ routine tasks‚ does it describe you better to say that you
· avoid doing them
· dislike doing them
· don't mind doing them
· enjoy doing them
20. In thinking about money‚ when it comes right down to it‚ do you believe that
· money provides security
· money is a means to enhancing your enjoyment of life
21. Do you find it more stimulating to
· spend time in one-on-one interaction
· interact with many at a large party
22. Are you better at
· initiating and planning a project
· following a project through to completion
23. When attending a party‚ do you usually
· get tired and leave early
· stay energetic and find yourself among the last to leave
24. Would people be more likely to describe you as
· not fussy enough
· too fussy
25. Are you more attracted to
· Sciences
· Humanities
26. When meeting someone new‚ do you tend to
· initiate the conversation
· wait for the other person to start talking
27. Are you more naturally
· tuned into the details of your environment
· unaware of the details of your environment
28. At work or when studying‚ do you feel that you are more effective and productive
· when working alone
· working with others in a team environment
29. When working on tasks‚ is it more important to you
· to see immediate results for your efforts
· to see future possibilities from your efforts
30. Is it more terrible to
· wear your emotions on your sleeve
· never cry in front of people
31. At meetings‚ or in other discussion groups‚ do you tend to
· speak up often
· hold back
32. When solving a problem‚ are you more likely to act according to
· what your instincts dictate
· what the known facts of the situation dictate
33. Do you more often
· freely express your opinions
· keep your opinions to yourself‚ unless you have a reason to express them
34. Are you
· good at finding solutions to practical problems
· impatient with practical concerns‚ which you tend to ignore
35. In general‚ do you believe that
· everything should be kept in its assigned place
· it's unnecessary to keep everything in its assigned place
36. Do you more often tend to
· put the needs of others before your own
· look after your own needs first
37. If you forgot to wear your watch one day‚ would you
· feel rather displaced and lost
· not notice too often that it's missing
· you don't wear a watch
38. Are you valued more for your
· practical outlook
· new way of looking at things
39. Do you think of yourself as
· easily approachable
· more reserved than most people
40. When judging a person or situation‚ do you feel that it's better to
· be impartial‚ fair and objective
· consider any extenuating circumstances and base your judgement on the individual case
41. Do you think it's a worse fault to be
· unable to deal with an issue and move on
· unable to see all sides of an issue
42. Do you typically
· know everything that's going on in your friends and family's lives
· get behind on what's going on
43. When discussing an issue with a friend‚ is it more important to you
· to reach an agreement on the issue
· to have a thorough‚ logical discussion of the issue
44. When performing an important task‚ do you tend to
· start early and finish with time to spare
· procrastinate and finish just in time
45. Do you
· have an excellent memory for details
· remember general concepts‚ without retaining specific details
46. Are you more interested in
· what is real
· what is possible
47. When you've said something that hurt someone's feelings‚ are you
· usually immediately aware of it
· often unaware that there is a problem until later
48. At parties‚ do you tend to
· spend time with people you know
· meet and converse with many people‚ who you may or may not know
49. Are you more often prone to
· make decisions too quickly
· be indecisive
50. When making plans‚ do you prefer to
· schedule things in advance
· leave things unscheduled and make plans at the last minute
51. Is it a worse fault to
· show too much warmth
· not show enough warmth
52. Which of these two sayings do you find more interesting?
· Seeing is believing
· I think‚ therefore I am
53. Do you prefer to
· concentrate on your current task
· fantasise about the future
54. When it comes to daily tasks‚ do you tend to
· have a system for getting things done which you generally follow
· take things as they come
55. Is it more important to you
· to get things done and move on
· to leave your options open
56. If someone does something that bothers you‚ are you more likely to
· tell them that it bothers you
· not say anything
57. After making an important decision‚ are you more likely to
· consider the case closed
· revisit the decision again and again
58. If you receive criticism about something‚ are you more likely to
· become upset and react emotionally
· take the criticism pretty well and not react emotionally
59. Do you generally
· take things at face value
· read between the lines and look for underlying meaning
60. Do you think it's more important to understand
· the theory behind the solution to a problem
· the application of the steps which solve the problem
نسخه ای دیگر
Disagree‚ Somewhat‚ Agree
1. I like to stay at home.
2. I like to make definite plans when going out.
3. I avoid public speaking whenever possible.
4. I work best in a group or with others.
5. I like to fix things more than I like to try and fix people.
6. I like tests that have essay questions.
7. I prefer to use logic and reason in my thinking first and foremost.
8. I like to improvise whenever possible.
9. Morality should be based on justice.
10.I like to rely on my memory.
11.I largely accept things as they are.
12.I like to procrastinate.
13.I'm largely uncomfortable with my emotions.
14.I'm bored being alone.
15.I like to be focused on the future.
16.I like to talk more than I listen.
17.I like to follow my head more than my heart.
18.I like devoting my all to work.
19.I prefer hard data over theory.
20.I like to think I'm thick-skinned.
21.My life is pretty chaotic.
22.I prefer looking at the overall big picture.
23.I want people's love.
24.I find it difficult to yell at others.
25.I prefer to stand out.
26.I like to plan things at the last minute.
27.I feel I'm more energetic than laid-back.
28.I like to tell people what an event meant to me personally‚ rather than just describing it.
29.I like to keep my room clean.
30.Parties wear me out pretty quickly.
31.I tend to believe what others tell me wholeheartedly.
32.I like to know the "why" of things.
33.I like to keep my options open.
34.I like to go out rather than stay home.
35.I like to perform in front of others.
36.I work best when I'm alone.
37.I like to try and fix people more than I like to fix things.
38.I prefer to take a multiple choice test.
39.I think logic is sometimes overrated.
40.I like to prepare for things rather than just doing things on the fly.
41.Morality should be based on compassion.
42.I like to make lists to help my memory.
43.I'm generally unsatisfied with the way things are.
44.I like to get my work done as soon as I can.
45.I need time to be by myself.
46.I'm focused on living in the here and now.
47.I like to listen more than I talk.
48.I prefer to follow my heart over my head.
49.I like to play hard more than work hard.
50.I prefer theory over hard data.
51.I am easily hurt by others' words.
52.My life is pretty organized.
53.I always like to get as much detail as possible.
54.I want people's respect more than their love.
55.I don't mind yelling when I need to.
56.I prefer to fit in than stand out.
57.I like to plan far ahead.
58.I feel like I'm more laid-back than energetic.
59.When I talk about an event‚ I prefer to keep to the facts rather than describe what it meant to me.
60.I just put stuff wherever‚ it doesn't need to go in a specific place.
61.I love and get fired up by parties or social gatherings.
62.I'm pretty skeptical about most things.
63.I like to know the "Who‚" "what" and "when" of things.
نسخه ای دیگر
1. All things considered:
· I am pensive and a bit impractical.
· I am pretty factual and hands-on.
2. Which more often happens to you?
· Someone asks me a question and doesn't give me enough time to think of an answer before they resume talking.
· I ask someone a question and get impatient when they don't answer right away.
3. When a new situation arises:
· I prefer to withdraw and think things through until I am certain I understand it.
· I prefer to engage with the situation and to share my thoughts about it with other people.
4. When meeting new people:
· I easily think of things to say to get the conversation flowing.
· I like to size them up before I initiate conversation.
5. When others communicate‚ I more often get distracted when they:
· Demonstrate disregard for others' feelings or unawareness of their own feelings.
· Make errors of logic or fact.
6. Which is closer to your usual way of approaching a task?
· I tend to size up the demands of the task and identify which parts of the job are crucial and which are non-essential. I then work around the non-essential parts in order to get more things done‚ quicker.
· When I'm working on something‚ I prefer the result be solid. That means that I may overdo some of the non-essential parts of the work‚ but I tend to find that cutting corners is just more work in the long run.
7. I'd rather have:
· Certain and reliable facts that I can know for sure are true.
· Tentative and prospective theories‚ even if they may not ultimately be true.
8. I am more:
· Product-oriented. I focus on what needs to be done‚ and I impose the necessary structure to get there and to reach the goal on time.
· Process-oriented. I resist structure I see as suffocating‚ e.g. by not allowing for new opportunities and information.
9. Which is closer to your view:
· People tend to make mistakes when they don't use their head and listen to reason.
· People tend to make mistakes when they don't listen to their personal sense of what they know is right.
10. When looking ahead to something in the future‚ you feel better if you:
· Have settled on a viable course of action.
· Get to keep your options open.
11. My awareness is naturally focused on:
· The actual realities that we all awake to every morning. Theory for theory's sake does not particularly interest me.
· Thoughts and theories removed from time and place. The here and now does not particularly interest me.
12. How do you feel about multitasking at work?
· I enjoy switching back and forth between tasks. In fact‚ I grow restless if I have to focus on only one task for too long at a time‚ and so I welcome some variety.
· I prefer to work on one task at a time and to finish it before moving on to the next thing. My efficiency goes down if I have to multitask‚ and so I find interruptions disruptive.
13. Which is more true of you?
· I don't pay attention to stupid things like insurance and tax returns even though I probably should.
· I make the necessary sacrifices to make sure that the boring but mandatory stuff in my life is in order.
14. Which is more true of you?
· I communicate directly and at face value‚ and I prefer not to assume something that wasn't said.
· I can't help but read between the lines and feel‚ rightly or wrongly‚ that I know where people are going and what their motives are.
15. Which is more true of you?
· I like spending time with others‚ but I predominantly get my energy and focus from being alone.
· I like spending time alone‚ but I am predominantly energized by activities that involve spending time with others.
16. I am a person who:
· Keeps their heart warm.
· Keeps their head cold.
17. In school‚ which kind of teacher frustrated you more?
· Vague and unclear teachers who expected students to magically infer what they expected them to do and what the criteria for success were.
· Teachers who did not allow their students to push against the boundaries of the tasks they were assigned‚ e.g. by bringing knowledge from other fields to bear on the subject.
18. What goes through your mind when you hear other people brainstorming new ideas?
· I first and foremost am stimulated by whatever originality they bring to the table‚ and I feel inspired to contribute an idea of my own. Sometimes I forget to take important facts into account until someone else brings them up.
· I first and foremost want to address the obvious practical problems associated with each idea. Of course I welcome quality innovation‚ but I get impatient with starry-eyed dreaming which in fact contributes little of real value.
19. I enjoy a social gathering more if:
· I find myself engaged in intellectually stimulating conversation with someone who 'gets' what I'm saying.
· We are letting loose and having fun - maybe dancing‚ telling funny stories‚ or playing a game.
20. Which is more true of your interactions with people?
· Although I enjoy seeing friends one-on-one‚ I find it more stimulating to hang out with several people at once. The more‚ the merrier!
· Although I enjoy the liveliness of a group setting‚ I tend to seek out one-on-one conversation and often end up in one even within a group.
21. Which statement describes you better?
· I am a realist endowed with common sense.
· I am imaginative and prone to coming up with bold guesses.
22. At the end of the day‚ you feel that:
· Rational arguments should trump personal values.
· Rational arguments may be a valuable guide‚ but they cannot really trump personal values.
23. When people disagree on an issue:
· They should meet each other in open argument‚ each stating the points that they have in favor of their position and refuting the other person's arguments with counterarguments. They should use an impartial standard to evaluate what each person has said.
· They should be sensitive to where each of them is coming from‚ as well as the experiences that led each person to hold the beliefs that they now hold. They should give each other space to lay out their personal perspectives and try to be understanding of each other.
24. Which is more true of you?
· I am laid-back and like to improvise.
· I like to be on top of things.
25. In what kind of workplace do you thrive?
· A fast-paced environment where I don't get bored.
· An unhurried environment where I can concentrate.
26. Which is more true of you?
· I come across as reserved and hard to get to know.
· Others start to open up more when I am around.
27. Which is more true of you?
· I make explicit and detailed agreements about who will do what when‚ and I expect people to stick to them.
· I prefer to let developments arise and then react spontaneously‚ and I expect others to be equally adaptable.
28. In a meeting‚ which is more true of you?
· I like to collect my thoughts and know which point I'm going to make before I start speaking.
· I can talk and think at the same time - in fact‚ talking helps me to think.
29. Which is more true of you?
· I like brainstorming and airing my new ideas in order to get a sense of how others will react.
· I like thinking about my new ideas in the peace and quiet of my own mind‚ mulling over the implications alone.
30. Which is more true of you?
· I prize structure over spontaneity and I like to have a plan to fall back on in case something unexpected happens.
· I prize spontaneity over structure and I enjoy adapting to the situation when something unexpected happens.
31. I am more concerned with:
· Envisioning possibilities - those exciting 'maybes' which may or may not be real.
· Minding the facts - familiarizing myself with that which is and mastering it.
32. I more often feel the urge to roll my eyes when others:
· Don't have their act together.
· Are inflexible and lack spontaneity.
33. The world would be a better place if more people:
· Used their head.
· Had their heart in the right place.
34. If someone wants to convince you of something:
· They should show me the logic‚ pointing out how their position is more rational than competing positions.
· They should show me how their position connects with my values and how it affects the people involved.
35. I n resolving conflicts‚ which approach do you more often find yourself taking?
· A principled approach based on justice and logic.
· A kind-hearted approach based on personal understanding and good faith.
36. As a leader‚ are you more likely to be evaluated as:
· Wishy-washy and ineffective.
· Bossy and inflexible.
37. When cooking a new dish‚ do you prefer to:
· Closely follow a recipe.
· Make it up as you go along.
38. Whose genius would you rather have?
· Shakespeare
· Einstein
39. Which is more true of you?
· While I can be mindful of whatever values and personal viewpoints a person subscribes to‚ at the end of the day what really interests me is whatever impersonal and objective thoughts they may be able to bring to the table.
· While I can be mindful of whatever impartial and objective insights a person is espousing‚ at the end of the day what really interests me is their personal viewpoint and the values that are important to them.
40. Which is closer to your natural state of mind?
· Planning ahead can often be stifling because you never know when an unexpected opportunity might present itself. While I may shift from pursuit to pursuit because of this mindset‚ I only truly feel at ease when I have the freedom to call my own shots.
· Planning ahead is necessary for me to feel relaxed and prepared for what I want to do. While I might miss some opportunities that fly by my nose because of this mindset‚ I only truly feel at ease when I know that I can be allowed to structure and plan my pursuits.
41. Which statement do you agree with the most?
· Feelings are irrational and have no place in truth-seeking.
· Logical analysis is a valuable tool‚ but some people seem sadly oblivious to its limitations.
42. When examining something:
· I tend to find that the facts and realities of a situation can speak for themselves.
· I tend to want to understand how and why one thing is connected to the next.
43. After a dinner party‚ others would be more likely to complain that I:
· Talked too much and dominated the conversation.
· Didn't talk enough and left it to others to keep the conversation going.
44. When faced with a novel challenge:
· I prefer to think the problem through‚ using my knowledge and experience to come up with a solution that I know will work. The approach doesn't have to be glamorous as long as it gets the job done.
· I tend to end up exploring and imagining the new possibilities that I had not pondered before and the excitement can sometimes lead me away from the original problem.
نسخه ای دیگر
1. You find it difficult to introduce yourself to other people.
2. You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings.
3. You try to respond to your e-mails as soon as possible and cannot stand a messy inbox.
4. You find it easy to stay relaxed and focused even when there is some pressure.
5. You do not usually initiate conversations.
6. You rarely do something just out of sheer curiosity.
7. You feel superior to other people.
8. Being organized is more important to you than being adaptable.
9. You are usually highly motivated and energetic.
10.Winning a debate matters less to you than making sure no one gets upset.
11.You often feel as if you have to justify yourself to other people.
12.Your home and work environments are quite tidy.
13.You do not mind being at the center of attention.
14.You consider yourself more practical than creative.
15.People can rarely upset you.
16.Your travel plans are usually well thought out.
17.It is often difficult for you to relate to other people’s feelings.
18.Your mood can change very quickly.
19.In a discussion‚ truth should be more important than people’s sensitivities.
20.You rarely worry about how your actions affect other people.
21.Your work style is closer to random energy spikes than to a methodical and organized approach.
22.You are often envious of others.
23.An interesting book or a video game is often better than a social event.
24.Being able to develop a plan and stick to it is the most important part of every project.
25.You rarely get carried away by fantasies and ideas.
26.You often find yourself lost in thought when you are walking in nature.
27.If someone does not respond to your e-mail quickly‚ you start worrying if you said something wrong.
28.As a parent‚ you would rather see your child grow up kind than smart.
29.You do not let other people influence your actions.
30.Your dreams tend to focus on the real world and its events.
31.It does not take you much time to start getting involved in social activities at your new workplace.
32.You are more of a natural improviser than a careful planner.
33.Your emotions control you more than you control them.
34.You enjoy going to social events that involve dress-up or role-play activities.
35.You often spend time exploring unrealistic and impractical yet intriguing ideas.
36.You would rather improvise than spend time coming up with a detailed plan.
37.You are a relatively reserved and quiet person.
38.If you had a business‚ you would find it very difficult to fire loyal but underperforming employees.
39.You often contemplate the reasons for human existence.
40.Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions.
41.Keeping your options open is more important than having a to-do list.
42.If your friend is sad about something‚ you are more likely to offer emotional support than suggest ways to deal with the problem.
43.You rarely feel insecure.
44.You have no difficulties coming up with a personal timetable and sticking to it.
45.Being right is more important than being cooperative when it comes to teamwork.
46.You think that everyone’s views should be respected regardless of whether they are supported by facts or not.
47.You feel more energetic after spending time with a group of people.
48.You frequently misplace your things.
49.You see yourself as very emotionally stable.
50.Your mind is always buzzing with unexplored ideas and plans.
51.You would not call yourself a dreamer.
52.You usually find it difficult to relax when talking in front of many people.
53.Generally speaking‚ you rely more on your experience than your imagination.
54.You worry too much about what other people think.
55.If the room is full‚ you stay closer to the walls‚ avoiding the center.
56.You have a tendency to procrastinate until there is not enough time to do everything.
57.You feel very anxious in stressful situations.
58.You believe that it is more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful.
59.You have always been interested in unconventional and ambiguous things‚ e.g. in books‚ art‚ or movies.
60.You often take initiative in social situations.
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Jung‚ C. G. (1971). Psychological types (Collected works of C. G. Jung‚ volume 6‚ Chapter X)
Briggs Myers‚ I. (1980‚ 1995) Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type