Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator

Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) version 2.5
Riso‚et al. 1998‚ 2001
نشانگر تیپ های نه گانه ریزو- هادسون
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I've been romantic and imaginative
I've been pragmatic and down-to-earth.
I have tended to take on confrontations
I have tended to avoid confrontations
I have typically been diplomatic‚ ch‎arming‚ and ambitious
I have typically been direct‚ formal‚ idealistic
I have tended to be focused and intense
I have tended to be spontaneous and fun-loving
I have been a hospitable person and have enjoyed welcoming new friends into my life
 I have been a private person and have not mixed much with others
It's been difficult for me to relax and stop worrying about potential problems
It's been difficult for me to get myself worked up about potential problems
I've been more of a "street-smart" survivor
I've been more of a "high-minded" idealist
 I have needed to show affection to people
I have preferred to maintain a certain distance with people
When presented with a new experience‚ I've usually asked myself if it would be useful to me
When presented with a new experience‚ I've usually asked myself if it would be enjoyable
I have tended to focus too much on myself
I have tended to focus too much on others
Others have depended on my insight and knowledge
Others have depended on my strength and decisiveness
I have come across as being too unsure of myself
 I have come across as being too sure of myself
I have been more relationship-oriented than goal-oriented
 I have been more goal-oriented than relationship-oriented
I have not been able to speak up for myself very well
I have been outspoken-I've said what others wished they had the nerve to say
It's been difficult for me to stop considering alternatives and do something definite
It's been difficult for me to take it easy and be more flexible
I have tended to be hesitant and procrastinating
I have tended to be bold and domineering
My reluctance to get too involved has gotten me into trouble with people
My eagerness to have people depend on me has gotten me into trouble with them
Usually‚ I have been able to put my feelings aside to get the job done
Usually‚ I have needed to work through my feelings before I could act
Generally‚ I've been methodical and cautious
Generally‚ I've been adventurous and taken risks
I have tended to be a supportive giving person who seeks intimancy with others
I have tended to be a serious‚ reserved person who likes discussing issues
I've often felt the need to be a "pillar of strength"
I've often felt the need to perform perfectly
I've typically been interested in asking tough questions and maintaining my independence
I've typically been interested in maintaining my stability and peace of mind
I've been a bit cynical and skeptical
I've been a bit mushy and sentimental
I've often worried that I'm missing out on something better
I've often worried that if I let down my guard‚ someone will take advantage of me
My habit of being "standoffish" has annoyed people
My habit of telling people what to do has annoyed people
I have tended to get anxious if there was too much excitement and stimulation
I have tended to get anxious if there was wasn't enough excitement and stimulation
I have depended on my friends and they have known that they can depend on me
I have not depended on people; I have done things on my own
I have tended to be detached and preoccupied
 I have tended to be moody and self-absorbed
I have liked to challenge people and "shake them up"
I have liked to comfort people and calm them down
I have generally been an outgoing‚ sociable person
I have generally been an earnest‚ self-disciplined person
I've wanted to "fit in" with others- I get uncomfortable when I stand out too much
I've wanted to stand out from others- I get uncomfortable when I don't distinguish myself
 Pursuing my personal interests has been more important to me than ha‎ving stability and security
 ha‎ving stability and security had been more important to me than pursuing my personal interests
When I've had conflicts with others‚ I've tended to withdraw
When I've had conflicts with others‚ I've rarely backed down
I have given in too easily and let other push me around
I have been too uncompromising and demanding with others
I've been appreciated for my unsinkable spirit and resourcefulness
I've been appreciated for my deep caring and personal warmth
I have wanted to make a favorable impression on others
 I have cared little about making a favorable impression on others
I've depended on my perseverance and common sense
 I've depended on my imagination and moments of inspiration
 Basically‚ I have been easy-going and agreeable
Basically‚ I have been hard driving and assertive
I have worked hard to be accepted and well liked
Being accepted and well liked has not been a high priority for me
In reaction to pressure from others‚ I have become more withdrawn
In reaction to pressure from others‚ I have become more assertive
People have been interested in me because I've been outgoing‚ engaging and interested in them
People have been interested in me because I've been quiet‚ unusual‚ and deeps
Duty and responsibility have been important values for me
Harmony and acceptance have been important values for me
I've tried to motivate people by making big plans and promises
I've tried to motivate people by pointing out the consequences of not following my advice
I have seldom been emotionally demonstrative
I have often been emotionally demonstrative
Dealing with details has not been one of my strong suits
 I have excelled at dealing with details
 I have often emphasized how different I am from most peoples‚ especially my family
I have often emphasized how much I have in common with most people‚ especially my family
When situations have gotten heated‚ I have tended to stay on the sidelines
When situations have gotten heated‚ I have tended to get right into the middle of things
I have stood by my friends‚ even when they have been wrong
I have not wanted to compromise what is right for friendship
I've been a well-meaning supporter
I've been a highly motivated go-getter
When troubled‚ I have tended to brood about my problems
When troubled‚ I have tended to find distractions for myself
Generally‚ I've had strong convictions and a sense of how things should be
Generally‚ I've had serious doubts and have questioned how things seemed to be
I've cr‎eated problems with others by being too pessimistic and complaining
I've cr‎eated problems with others by being too bossy and controlling
I have tended to act on my feelings and let the "chips fall where they may"
I have tended not to act on my feelings lest they stir up more problems
Being the centre of attention has usually felt natural to me
Being the centre of attention has usually felt strange to me 55.
I've been careful‚ and have tried to prepare for unforeseen problems
I've been spontaneous‚ and have preferred to improvise as problems come up
I have gotten angry when others have not shown enough appreciation for what I have done for them
I have gotten angry when others have not listened to what I have told them
Being independent and self-reliant has been important to me
Being valued and admired has been important to me
When I've debated with friends‚ I've tended to press my arguments forcefully
When I've debated with friends‚ I've tended to let things go to prevent hard feelings
I have often been possessive of loved ones - I have had trouble letting them be
I have often "tested" loved ones to see if they were really there for me
Organizing resources and making things happen has been one of my major strengths
 Coming up with new ideas and getting people excited about them has been one of my major strengths
I've tended to be driven and very hard on myself
I've tended to be too emotional and rather undisciplined
I have tried to keep my life fast-paced‚ intense‚ and exciting
I have tried to keep my life regular‚ stable‚ and peaceful
Even though I've had successes‚ I've tended to doubt my abilities
Even though I've had setbacks‚ I've had a lot of confidence in my abilities
I generally have tended to dwell on my feelings and to hold onto them for a long time
I generally have tended to minimize my feelings and not pay very much attention to them
I have provided many people with attention and nurturance
I have provided many people with direction and motivation
I've been a bit serious and strict with myself
I've been a bit free-wheeling and permissive with myself
I've been self-assertive and driven to excel
I've been modest and have been happy to go at my own pace
I've been proud of my clarity and objectivity
I've been proud of my reliability and commitment
I have spent a lot of time looking inward-understanding my feelings has been important to me
I have not spent much time looking inward-getting things done has been important to me
I have thought of myself as a sunny‚ casual person
I have thought of myself as a serious‚ dignified person
I've had an agile mind and boundless energy
I've had a caring heart and deep dedication
I have pursued activities that had a substantial potential for reward and personal recognition
I have been willing to give up reward and personal recognition if it meant doing work I was really interested in
Fulfilling social obligations has seldom been high on my agenda
I have usually taken my social obligations very seriously
In most situations‚ I have preferred to take the lead
In most situations‚ I have preferred to let someone else take the lead
Over the years‚ my values and lifestyle have changed several times
Over the years‚ my values and lifestyle have remained fairly consistent
Typically‚ I have not had much self-discipline
Typically‚ I have not had much connection with people
I have tended to withhold my affection‚ and have wanted others to come into my world
I have tended to give my affection too freely‚ and have wanted to extend myself to others
I have had a tendency to think of worst-case scenarios
I have had a tendency to think that everything will work out for the best
People have trusted me because I am confident and can look out for them
People have trusted me because I am fair and will do what is right
Often‚ I have been so involved in my own projects that I have become isolated from others
Often‚ I have been so involved with others that I have neglected my own projects
When meeting someone new‚ I have usually been poised and self-contained
When meeting someone new‚ I have usally been chatty and entertaining
Generally speaking‚ I have tended to be pessimistic
Generally speaking‚ I have tended to be optimistic
I have preferred to inhabit my own little world
I have preferred to let the world know I'm here
I have often been troubled by nervousness‚ insecurity‚ and doubt I have often been troubled by anger‚ perfectionism‚ and impatience
 I have been a private person and have not mixed much with others
I realize that I have often been too personal and intimate
I realize that I have often been too cool and aloof
I have lost out because I have not felt up to taking opportunities
I have lost out because I have pursued too many possibilities
I have tended to take a long time to get into action
I have tended to get into action quickly
I usually have had difficulty making decisions
I seldom have had difficulty making decisions
I have had a tendency to come on a little too strong with people
I have had a tendency not to assert myself enough with people
Typically‚ I have been even-tempered
Typically‚ I have had strong changes of mood
When I've been unsure of what to do‚ I've often sought the advice of others
When I've been unsure of what to do‚ I've tried different things to see what worked best for me
I have worried that I would be left out of others' activities
I have worried that others' activities would distract me from what I had to do
Typically‚ when I have gotten angry‚ I have told people off
Typically‚ when I have gotten angry‚ I have become distant
I've tended to have trouble falling asleep
I have tended to fall asleep easily
I have often tried to figure out how I could get closer to others
I have often tried to figure out what others want from me
I have usually been measured‚ straight-talking‚ and deliberate
I have usually been excitable‚ fast-talking‚ and witty
Often‚ I have not spoken up when I've seen others making a mistake
Often‚ I have helped others see that they are making a mistake
During most of my life‚ I have been a stormy person who has had many volatile feelings
During most of my life‚ I have been a steady person in whom "still waters run deep"
When I have disliked people‚ I have usually tried hard to stay cordial-despite my feelings
When I have disliked people‚ I have usually let them know it-one way or another
Much of my difficulty with people has come from my touchiness and taking everything too personally
Much of my difficulty with people has come from my not caring about social conventions
My approach has been to jump in and rescue people
My approach has been to show people how to help themselves
Generally‚ I have enjoyed "letting go" and pushing the limits
Generally‚ I have not enjoyed losing control of myself very much
I've been overly concerned with doing better than others
I've been overly concerned with making things OK for others
My thoughts have generally been speculative-involving my imagination and curiosity
My thoughts have generally been practical-just trying to keep things going
One of my main assets has been my ability to take ch‎arge of situations
One of my main assets has been my ability to describe internal states
I have pushed to get things done correctly‚ even if it made people uncomfortable
I have not liked feeling pressured‚ so I have not liked pressuring anyone else
I've often taken pride in how important I am in other's lives
I've often taken pride in my gust and openness to new experiences
I have perceived that I've often come across to others as presentable‚ even admirable
I have perceived that I've often come across to others as unusual‚ even odd
I have mostly done what I had to do
I have mostly done what I wanted to do
I have usually enjoyed high-pressure‚ even difficult‚ situations
I have usually disliked being in high-pressure‚ even difficult‚ situations
I've been proud of my ability to be flexible-what's appropriate or important often changes
I've been proud of my ability to take a stand-I've been firm about what I believe in
My style has leaned toward spareness and austerity
My style has leaned toward excess and overdoing things
My own health and well-being have suffered because of my strong desire to help others
My relationships have suffered because of my strong desire to attend to my personal needs
Generally speaking‚ I've been too open and naive
Generally speaking‚ I've been too wary and guarded
I have sometimes put people off by being too aggressive
I have sometimes put people off by being too uptight
Being of service and attending to the needs of others has been a high priority for me
Finding alternative ways of seeing and doing things has been a high priority for me
I've been single-minded and persistent in pursuing my goals
I've preferred to explore various courses of action to see where they lead
I have frequently been drawn to situations that stir up deep‚ intense emotions
I have frequently been drawn to situations that make me feel calm and at ease
I have cared less about pratical results and about pursuing my interests
I have been practical and have expected my work to have concrete results
I have had a deep need to belong
I have had a deep need to feel balanced
In the past‚ I've probably insisted too much closeness in my friendships
In the past‚ I've probably kept too much distance in my friendships
I've had a tendency to keep thinking about things from the past
I've had a tendency to keep anticipating things I'm going to do
I've tended to see people as intrusive and demanding
I've tended to see people as disorganized and irresponsible
Generally‚ I have not had much confidence in myself
Generally‚ I have had confidence only in myself
I've probably been too passive and uninvolved
I've probably been too controlling and manipulative
I've frequently been stopped in my tracks by my self-doubt
I've rarely let self-doubt stand in my way
Given a choice between something familiar and something new‚ I have usually chosen something new
I've generally chose what I knew I already liked: why be disappointed with something I might not like?
I have given a lot of physical contact to reassure others about how I feel about them
I have generally felt that real love does not depend on physical contact
When I've needed to confront someone‚ I've often been too harsh and direct
When I've needed to confront someone‚ I've often "beaten around the bush" too much
 I have preferred not to spend my time dwelling on disturbing‚ frightening subjects
I have been attracted to subjects that others would probably find disturbing‚ even frightening
I have gotten into trouble with people by being too intrusive and interfering
I have gotten into trouble with people by being too evasive
I've worried that I don't have the resources to fulfill the responsibilities I've taken on
I've worried that I don't have the self-discipline to focus on what will really fulfill me
Generally‚ I've been a highly intuitive‚ individualistic person
Generally‚ I've been a highly organized‚ responsible person
Overcoming inertia has been one of my main problems
Being unable to slow down has been one of my main problems
When I've felt insecure‚ I've reacted by becoming arrogant and dismissive
When I've felt insecure‚ I've reacted by becoming defensive and argumentative
I have generally been open-minded and willing to try new approaches
I have generally been self-revealing and willing to share my feelings with others
I've presented myself to others as tougher than I am
I've presented myself to other as caring more than I really do
I usually have followed my conscience and reason
I usually have followed my feelings and impulses
Serious adversity has made me feel hardened and resolute
Serious adversity has made me feel discouraged and resigned
I've usually made sure I had some kind of "safety net" to fall back on
I've usually have chosen to live on the edge and to depend on as little as possible
I've had to be strong for others‚ so I haven't had time to deal with my feelings and fears
I've had difficulty coping with my feelings and fears‚ so it's been hard for me to be strong for others
I have often wondered why people focus on the negative when there is so much that's wonderful about life
I have often wondered why people are so happy when so much in life is messed up
I have tried hard not to be seen as a selfish person
I have tried hard not to be seen as a boring person
I have avoided intimacy when I feared I would be overwhelmed by people's needs and demands
I have avoided intimacy when I feared I would not be able to live up to people's expectations of me
شرح سایت روان سنجی: گونه های شخصیت "انیاگرام" نظریه ای بر پایه رده بندی شحصیت انسان ها به 9 گروه است که سه دسته اصلی را تشکیل می دهند. جعفر دارابی این 9 گونه را: کمال گرا، مهرطلب، پیشرفت گرا یا موفقیت جو، رمانتیک محزون یا هنرمند، وفاخو؛ وفاجو و شکاک، خوش بین و خوش گذران، چالشگر یا قدرت طلب، صلح طلب و میانجی معرفی می کند که به سه گروه یا مثلث : "اراده (gut)"، "قلب(heart) " و "مغز(brain) " دسته بندی می شوند.
برخی دیگر سه مثلث را "جسمی و حرکتی (body)"، "احساسی(heart) " و "ذهنی(head) " تقسیم بندی کرده اند.
نسخه های گوناگونی از این ابزار در دسترس هست و هنوز نزد ارائه دهندگان این نظریه هم نظری کامل دیده نمی شود.
در ایران " فیروزه سپهریان، 1389" ابزاری 50 گویه ای بر پایه این نظریه ساخته است و اعتبار آن را 0.82 گزارش می کند.
منتقدان پیشنهاد می کنند که این نظریه هنوز نیازمند بررسی و مطالعه علمی بیشتر است.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی از 0.56 تا 0.82
نمره گذاری: دارای طیف 9 گویه ای از A تا I است.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Wiltse‚ V.; Palmer‚ H. (July 2011). "Hidden in plain sight: Observations on the origin of the Enneagram". The Enneagram Journal. 4 (1): 4–37.
Riso‚ Don Rich‎ard; Hudson‚ Russ (2000). Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Palmer‚ Helen (1991). The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and Others in Your Life. HarperSanFrancisco.
Palmer‚ Helen (1996). The Enneagram in Love and Work: Understanding your Intimate and Business Relationships. HarperOne.
Riso‚ Don Rich‎ard; Hudson‚ Russ (1996). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Newgent‚ Rebecca A; Parr‚ Patricia E; Newman‚ Isadore; Higgins‚ Kristin K. (2004). The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator: Estimates of Reliability and Validity. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development36(4): 226-237
Newgent‚ Rebecca A.‚ Parr‚ Patricia E.‚ Newman‚ I.‚ Higgins‚ K. (2004) The riso-hudson enneagram type indicator: estimates of reliability and validity. Measurement and Evaluation in Conseling and Development‚ 36‚ 226-237.
Giordano‚ Mary Ann Elizabeth‚ Ph.D. (2008) A Psychometric Evaluation of the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI)‚ Version 2.5: Comparison of Ipsa ive and Non-Iipsative Versions and Correlations with Spiritual Outcomes. Behavioral Psychology‚ 4524: 336-5385
دارابی، جعفر. روان شناسی شخصیت، رویکرد مقایسه ای نظریه ها: ویرایش دوم.
سپهریان، فیروزه. (1389). ساخت مقدماتی آزمون تیپ های شخصیتی انیه گرم. فصلنامه اندازه گیری تربیتی 1(3)، 113-125
آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
خرداد 1393
فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
خرداد 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
بهمن 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
سپاس بیکران به حضور دکتر محمد نقی براهنی که وزنه گران قدر و گران سنگ این حوزه بود و هست .
کلیه حقوق به آرین آرانی متعلق است.