Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers

Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers  
Allison‚ et al‚ 2008‚ 2012
C. Allison: cla29@cam.ac.uk
چک لیست صفات برای اوتیسم نزد کودکان نوپا
1. Does your child look at you when you call his/her name?
Always‚ Usually‚ Sometimes‚ Rarely‚ Never
2. How easy is it for you to get eye contact with your child?
Very easy‚ Quite easy‚ Quite difficult‚ Very difficult‚ Impossible
3. Does your child point to indicate that s/he wants something? (e.g. a toy that is out of reach)
Many times a day‚ A few times a day‚ A few times a week‚ Less than once a week‚ Never
4. Does your child point to share interest with you? (e.g. pointing at an interesting sight)
Many times a day‚ A few times a day‚ A few times a week‚ Less than once a week‚ Never
5. Does your child pretend? (e.g. care for dolls‚ talk on a toy phone)
Many times a day‚ A few times a day‚ A few times a week‚ Less than once a week‚ Never
6. Does your child follow where you’re looking?
Many times a day‚ A few times a day‚ A few times a week‚ Less than once a week‚ Never
7. If you or someone else in the family is visibly upset‚ does your child show signs of wanting to comfort them? (e.g. stroking hair‚ hugging them)
Always‚ Usually‚ Sometimes‚ Rarely‚ Never
8. Would you describe your child’s first words as:
Very typical‚ Quite typical‚ Slightly unusual‚ Very unusual‚ My child doesn’t speak
9. Does your child use simple gestures? (e.g. wave goodbye)
Many times a day‚ A few times a day‚ A few times a week‚ Less than once a week‚ Never
10. Does your child stare at nothing with no apparent purpose?
Many times a day‚ A few times a day‚ A few times a week‚ Less than once a week‚ Never
نسخه 25 گویه ای
1. Does your child look at you when you call his/her name?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never
2. How easy is it for you to get eye contact with your child?
very easy‚ quite easy‚ quite difficult‚ very difficult‚ impossible
3. When your child is playing alone‚ does s/he line objects up?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never
4. Can other people easily understand your child’s speech?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never‚ my child does not speak
5. Does your child point to indicate that s/he wants something (e.g. a toy that is out of reach)
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
6. Does your child point to share interest with you (e.g. pointing at an interesting sight)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
7. How long can your child’s interest be maintained by a spinning object (e.g. washing machine‚ electric fan‚ toy car wheels)?
several hours‚ half an hour‚ 10 min‚ a couple of minutes‚ less than a minute
8. How many words can your child say?
none—s/he has not started speaking yet‚ less than 10 words‚ 10–50 words‚ 51–100 words‚ over 100 words
9. Does your child pretend (e.g. care for dolls‚ talk on a toy phone)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
10. Does your child follow where you’re looking?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
11. How often does your child sniff or lick unusual objects?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
12. Does your child place your hand on an object when s/he wants you to use it (e.g. on a door handle when s/he wants you to open the door‚ on a toy when s/he wants you to activate it)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
13. Does your child walk on tiptoe?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never
14. How easy is it for your child to adapt when his/her routine changes or when things are out of their usual place?
very easy‚ quite easy‚ quite difficult‚ very difficult‚ impossible
15. If you or someone else in the family is visibly upset‚ does your child show signs of wanting to comfort them? (e.g. stroking their hair‚ hugging them)?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never‚
16. Does your child do the same thing over and over again (e.g. running the tap‚ turning the light switch on and off‚ opening and closing doors)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
17. Would you describe your child’s first words as:
very typical‚ quite typical‚ slightly unusual‚ very unusual‚ my child doesn’t speak
18. Does your child echo things s/he hears (e.g. things that you say‚ lines from songs or movies‚ sounds)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
19. Does your child use simple gestures (e.g. wave goodbye)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
20. Does your child make unusual finger movements near his/her eyes?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
21. Does your child spontaneously look at your face to check your reaction when faced with something unfamiliar?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never
22. How long can your child’s interest be maintained by just one or two objects?
most of the day‚ several hours‚ half an hour‚ ten minutes‚ a couple of minutes
23. Does your child twiddle objects repetitively (e.g. pieces of string)?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
24. Does your child seem oversensitive to noise?
always‚ usually‚ sometimes‚ rarely‚ never
25. Does your child stare at nothing with no apparent purpose?
many times a day‚ a few times a day‚ a few times a week‚ less than once a week‚ never
شرح سایت روان سنجی: "آلیسون و همکاران، 2008" "چک لیست ارزیابی در کودکان نوپا" را نزد نوپایان 18-24 ماه مورد بازنگری قرار دادند.
نسخه ای قدیمی این ابزار توسط مرجان صائب و محسن انوری 1378 به فارسی برگردان شده است.
نمره گذاری
SCORING: For questions 1-9: if you circle an answer in columns C‚ D or E‚ score 1 point per question. For question 10: if you circle an answer in columns A‚ B or C‚ score 1 point. Add points together for all ten questions. If your child scores more than 3out of 10‚ the health professional may consider referring your child for a multi-disciplinary assessment.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Baron-Cohen‚ S.‚ Wheelwright‚ S. Cox‚ A.‚ Baird‚ G.‚ ch‎arman‚ T.‚ Swettenham‚ J.‚ Drew‚ A. and Doehring‚ P.‚ (2000)‚ The early identification of autism: the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)‚ Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 93:521-525
Allison‚ C.‚ Baron-Cohen‚ S.‚ Wheelwright‚ S.‚ ch‎arman‚ T. Richler‚ J.‚ Pasco‚ G. and Brayne‚ C. (2008). The Q-CHAT (Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers): A Normally Distributed Quantitative Measure of Autistic Traits at 18-24 Months of Age: Preliminary Report Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders‚ 38; 1414-1425.
Allison‚ C.‚ Auyeung‚ B.‚ Baron-Cohen‚ S. (2012). Toward Brief "Red Flags" for Autism Screening: The Short Autism Spectrum Quotient and the Short Quantitative Checklist in 1‚000 Cases and 3‚000 Controls. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry‚  51(2):202-12
آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
خرداد 1393
فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
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اردیبهشت 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
بهمن 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
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