Big Five Inventory- short version (BFI-10)
Rammstedt & John‚ 2007
فرم 10 گویه ای پرسشنامه پنج عاملی
I see myself as someone who …
1. _____ is reserved
2. _____ is generally trusting
3. _____ tends to be lazy
4. _____ is relaxed‚ handles stress well
5. _____ has few artistic interests
6. _____ is outgoing‚ sociable
7. _____ tends to find fault with others
8. _____ does a thorough job
9. _____ gets nervous easily
10. _____ has an active imagination
سایت روان سنجی : گاه به دلیل تنگناهای زمان، نیاز به آزمون هایی کوتاه است، این ابزار بر پایه آزمون پنج عامل بزرگ (اصلی) شخصیت است. در همین زمینه آزمونی دیگر از "گاسلینگ و همکاران، 2003" وجود دارد.
نمره گذاری
1 = Disagree strongly‚ 2= Disagree a little‚ 3 = Neither agree nor disagree‚ 4 = Agree a little‚ 5 = strongly Agree
Scoring the BFI-10 scales:
Extraversion: 1R‚ 6; Agreeableness: 2‚ 7R; Conscientiousness: 3R‚ 8; Neuroticism: 4R‚ 9; Openness: 5R; 10 (R = item is reversed-scored).
Rammstedt‚ Beatrice & John‚ ‚ Oliver P. (2007). Measuring personality in one minute or less: A 10-item short version of the Big Five Inventory in English and German. Journal of Research in Personality‚ 41; 203–212