Social Functioning Schedule (SFS)
Remington and Tyrer‚ 1979
فهرست عملکرد اجتماعی
1. Work problems—behavior
1a Performance: As far as you know‚ how has S [the Subject] been coping with work? Does S have any difficulties? (Rate performance at work tasks.)
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) no problems‚ (1) reduced output/given easier job‚ (2) unable to perform his job/others have taken over
1b Time keeping: Does S usually get to work on time?
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) usually arrives at a reasonable time‚ (1) has occasionally missed 1⁄2–1 hour‚ or been more than 1 hour late‚ (2) has been more than 1 hour late on more than two occasions in last 4 weeks
1c Overactivity: Does S take on too much? (Is he rushed? Does he miss breaks or work late a lot?)
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) does a day’s work but no more- work does not intrude on personal time‚ (1) rushes to complete jobs‚ on a tight schedule and/or occasionally works late or brings work home‚ (2) work frequently occupies evenings and weekends
Other problems (specify) ____________________________________
1. Rate work problems—behaviour
none ___________________________________________________________severe difficulties
2. Work problems—stress
Does S talk about work? Has S complained about work recently? Has S seemed upset about work or under strain because of work?
2a Interest and satisfaction: Does S say that he likes his work? Has S complained that he is bored or fed up with work?
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) S seems reasonably satisfied with work situation‚ (1) S reports that he is disinterested or somewhat dissatisfied with work‚ (2) S indicates that he is utterly bored or dissatisfied with work
2b Distress: Does S seem to take work in his stride‚ or does work get him down? Does he appear troubled when he gets home from work? Does S complain that he has lost confidence? (Exclude boredom and dissatisfaction; include worry‚ strain‚ anxiety and anger).
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) no noticeable discomfort due to work‚ (1) some degree of distress occasionally reported or observed‚ (2) S reports extreme distress or informant observes this most of the time
2c Work relationships—friction: Has S talked about other people at work? In general how does he get on with them? Has S mentioned any quarrels or friction recently? (Include overt interpersonal difficulty with both clients and colleagues regardless of degree of associated distress).
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) generally‚ smooth easy relationships‚ (1) some friction or quarrelling during each week‚ (2) friction or quarrelling is a constant feature of work situation
2d Work relationships—exploitation: Has S complained that he is treated unfairly at work? Has he complained that he feels put upon or dominated?
Not known; Not applicable‚ (0) S reports no exploitation‚ (1) S reports occasional injustices or exploitation‚ (2) S complains of extreme exploitation
Other problems (specify) ____________________________________
1. Rate work problems—strees
none ___________________________________________________________severe difficulties
شرح سایت روان سنجی: مصاحبه ای نیمه ساختاری برای بررسی مشکلات فرد در 12 زمینه عملکرد اجتماعی معمولی است. این فهرست برای ارزیابی درمان سرپایی نژندی به کارگرفته شده است.
اعتبار: بین ارزیابان در دامنه 0.45 تا 0.81، همبستگی میان نتایج مصاحبه با نتایج همسران فرد بیمار از 0.45 تا 0.80
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Remington‚ M.‚ Tyrer‚ P. (1979). The Social Functioning Schedule—a brief semi structured interview. Social Psychiatry‚ 14(3):151–157.
Tyrer‚ P.J. (1984). Social Functioning Schedule short version. (Manuscript‚ Mapperely Hospital‚ Nottingham‚ UK‚ c 1984).
Casey‚ P.R.‚ Tyrer‚ P.J.‚ Platt‚ S. (1985). The relationship between social functioning and psychiatric symptomatology in primary care. Social Psychiatry‚ 20:5–9.
Tyrer‚ P.‚ Remington‚ M.‚ Alexander‚ J. (1987). The outcome of neurotic disorders after outpatient and day hospital care. Br J Psychiatry‚ 151:57–62.
Casey‚ P.R.‚ Tyrer‚ P.J. (1986). Personality‚ functioning and symptomatology. J Psychiatr Res‚ 20:363–374.
Tyrer‚ P.J. (2005). The Social Functioning Questionnaire: A Rapid and Robust Measure of Perceived Functioning. International Journal of Social Psychiatry‚ 51(3): 265-275.
McDowell‚ Ian. (2006). Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires‚ Third Edition. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS