Bullying Participant Behaviors Questionnaire (BPBQ)
Demaray‚ et al. 2014
پرسشنامه مشارکت در زورگویی
1. I have called another student bad names
2. I have made fun of another student
3. I have purposely left out another student
4. I have ignored another student*
5. I have pushed‚ punched or slapped another student
6. I have bumped into another student on purpose*
7. I have told lies about another student
8. I have tried to make people dislike another student
9. I have stolen things from another student
10.I have damaged or broken something that was another student’s*
11.I have verbally threatened another student*
12.I have made another student do things they didn’t want to do*
13.I have thrown things at another student
14.I have tripped another student on purpose*
15.I have said bad things about another student
16.I have talked about someone behind their back
17.When someone else has started spreading rumors‚ I joined in*
18.When someone was ignoring another student‚ I joined in*
19.When someone was being pushed‚ punched‚ or slapped‚ I stopped to watch*
20.When someone else has started pushing or shoving a student‚ I joined in*
21.When someone was making fun of another student‚ I joined in
22.When someone was verbally threatening another student‚ I joined in
23.When someone was making a student do things they did not want to do‚ I joined in*
24.When someone else was telling lies about another student‚ I joined in*
25.When someone bumped into another person‚ I joined in
26.I have made fun of someone when they were pushed‚ punched‚ or slapped
27.I have made fun of someone who was being called mean names
28.When someone else broke something that belonged to another student‚ I stopped to watch
29.When someone else tripped another student on purpose‚ I laughed
30.When someone else knocked books out of another student’s hands on purpose‚ I laughed
31.When someone else pinched or poked another student‚ I joined in
32.When someone else threw something at another student‚ I joined in
33.I have been called mean names
34.I have been made fun of
35.I have been purposely left out of something
36.I have been ignored
37.I have been pushed around‚ punched or slapped
38.I have been pushed or shoved
39.People have told lies about me
40.People have tried to make others dislike me
41.I have been threatened by others
42.People have damaged or broken something that was mine*
43.I have had things taken from me
44.People have made me do things I did not want to do*
45.I have been tripped by another student on purpose*
46.I have had my books knocked out of my hands on purpose*
47.I have been pinched or poked*
48.I have had something thrown at me*
49.I tried to make people stop spreading rumors about others*
50.When I saw someone being mean to others‚ I threatened to tell an adult if it didn’t stop*
51.I told someone that picking on others is mean and they should not do it*
52.I tried to make someone feel better after they were picked on*
53.I tried to become friends with someone after they were picked on
54.I encouraged someone to tell an adult after they were picked on
55.I defended someone by telling people that a rumor is not true*
56.I defended someone who was being pushed‚ punched‚ or slapped
57.When I saw someone being picked on‚ I told an adult*
58.I defended someone who had things purposely taken from them
59.I defended someone who was being called mean names
60.I tried to include someone if they were being purposely left out
61.I helped someone who had their books knocked out of their hands on purpose
62.I helped someone who was purposely tripped
63.When I saw someone being physically harmed‚ I told an adult
64.I defended someone who I thought was being tricked on purpose
65.I ignored lies people spread about other students*
66.I ignored it when I saw someone threatening another student*
67.I pretended not to notice when another student was being pushed‚ punched‚ or slapped*
68.I pretended not to notice when things were taken or stolen from another student
69.I pretended not to notice when rumors were being spread about other students
70.I ignored it when I saw someone making fun of another student
71.I pretended not to notice a situation that purposely left someone out
72.I ignored it when someone was calling another student bad names*
73.I ignored it when I saw someone breaking or damaging another student’s things
74.I have walked away when I saw someone else being picked on*
75.I pretended not to notice when someone else knocked the books out of another student’s hands on purpose*
76.I pretended not to notice when someone else tripped another student on purpose
77.I ignored it when someone else pinched or poked another student
78.I ignored it when someone else threw something at another student
79.I ignored it when someone else tricked another student
80.I pretended not to notice when someone was destroying another student’s property
* Items were dropped from final version
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این پرسشنامه به "زورگویی"، "همدستی"، "قربانی زورگویی"، "پشتیبانی از قربانی" و "نظاره گر" در زمینه زورگویی نزد کودکان کلاس ششم تا هشتم می پردازد. پرسشنامه دارای 50 گویه است و گزاره هایی که با "*" مشخص شده اند در تحلیل عاملی حذف شده اند.
خرده مقیاس ها و اعتبار:
Bully (alpha 0.88)‚ Assistant (alpha 0.92)‚ Victim (alpha 0.94)‚ Defender (alpha 0.94)‚ and Outsider (alpha 0.94)
نمره گذاری:
0 = never‚ 1 = 1 to 2 times‚ 2 = 3 to 4 times‚ 3 = 5 to 6 times‚ 4 = 7 or more times
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Demaray‚ M. K.‚ & Malecki‚ C. K. (2003). Perceptions of the frequency and importance of social support by students classified as victims‚ bullies‚ andbully/victims in an urban middle school. School Psychology Review‚ 32‚ 471–489.
Summers‚ K.‚ & Demaray‚ M. K. (2008). Bullying Participant Behaviors Questionnaire. DeKalb‚ IL: Northern Illinois University.
Demaray‚ Michelle K.‚ Summers‚ Kelly H.‚ Jenkins‚ Lyndsay N. & Beckerd‚ Lisa D. (2014). Bullying Participant Behaviors Questionnaire (BPBQ): Establishing a Reliable and Valid Measure. Journal of School Violence‚ 1-31. DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2014.964801