Social Physique Anxiety Scale

Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS)
Hart‚ Leary‚ & Rejeski‚ 1989
مقیاس اضطراب اجتماعی اندام
1.    I am comfortable with the appearance of my physique or figure. (R)
2.    I would never worry about wearing clothes that might make me look too thin or overweight. (R)
3.    I wish I wasn't so up-tight about my physique or figure.*+
4.    There are times when I am bothered by thoughts that other people are evaluating my weight or muscular development negatively.*+
5.    When I look in the mirror I feel good about my physique or figure.* (R)
6.    Unattractive features of my physique or figure make me nervous in certain social settings.*+
7.    In the presence of others‚ I feel apprehensive about my physique or figure.*+
8.    I am comfortable with how fit my body appears to others.*+ (R)
9.    It would make me uncomfortable to know others were evaluating my physique or figure.*+
10.When it comes to displaying my physique or figure to others‚ I am a shy person.*+
11.I usually feel relaxed when it's obvious that others are looking at my physique or figure.+ (R)
12.When in a bathing suit‚ I often feel nervous about how well-proportioned my body is.+
* 7-item Social Physique Anxiety Scale
+ 9-item Social Physique Anxiety Scale
(R) Reverse scored item.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: فشارهایی اجتماعی از هیکل و اندام آیده آل نزد زنان و مردان جوان وجود دارد. شکست در زندگی با آن معیارها – وافعی یا غیر واقعی- می تواند منجر به این افکار و یا احساس شود که دیگران در حال ارزیابی منفی اندام هستند. این مقیاس میزان اضطرابی را که فرد از مشاهده و ارزیابی بدنشان توسط دیگران دارند، اندازه گیری می کند.
نسخه 9 گویه ای این ابزار نیز ارائه شده است.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی؛ آلفا کرونباخ 0.90 و بازآزمایی پس از 8 هفته 0.82(هارت و همکاران، 1989). برای مقیاس هفت گویه ای 0.72 (متل و کانری، 2001)
نمره گذاری:
1 = Not at all ch‎aracteristic of me
2 = Slightly ch‎aracteristic of me
3 = Moderately ch‎aracteristic of me
4 = Very ch‎aracteristic of me
5 = Extremely ch‎aracteristic of me
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Hart‚ E. A.‚ Leary‚ M. R.‚ & Rejeski‚ W. J. (1989). The measurement of social physique anxiety. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology‚ 11: 94-104.
McAuley‚ E.‚ Burman‚ G. (1993). The Social Physique Anxiety Scale: construct validity in adolescent females. Med Sci Sports Exerc‚ 25(9):1049-53.
Eklund‚R C.‚ Mack‚ D.‚ Hart‚ E. (1996). Factorial Validity of the Social Physique Anxiety Scale for Females. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ‚ 18(3): 281-295.
Martin‚ Kathleen A.‚ Rejeski‚ W. J.‚ Leary‚ M. R.‚ McAuley‚ E.‚ Bane‚ Susan. (1997). Is the Social Physique Anxiety Scale Really Multidimensional? Conceptual and Statistical Arguments for a Unidimensional Model . Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ‚ 18(3): 281-295.
Motl‚ R. W.‚ & Conroy‚ D. E. (2001). The social physique anxiety scale: Cross validation‚ factorial invariance‚ and latent mean structure. Measurement in Physical Education &Exercise Science‚ 5‚ 81-95.
Scott‚ L. A.‚ Burke‚ K. L.‚ Joyner‚ A. B.‚ & Brand‚ J. S. (2004). Examining the stability of the 7-item social physique anxiety scale using a test-retest method. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science‚ 8‚ 57-62.
Sabiston‚ C. M.‚ & Chandler‚ K. (2009). Effects of fitness advertising on weight and body shape dissatisfaction‚ social physique anxiety‚ and exercise motives in a sample of healthy-weight females. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research‚ 14‚ 165-180.
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