Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory-2

Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2)
Illinois Competition Test
Martens‚ Vealey & Burton ‚ 1990
مقیاس اضطراب رقابت ورزشی
1.    I am concerned about this competition
2.    I feel nervous.
3.    I feel at ease.
4.    I have self-doubts.
5.    I feel jittery.
6.    I feel comfortable.
7.    I am concerned that I may not do as well in this competition as I could do.
8.    My body feels tense.
9.    I feel self-confident.
10.I am concerned about losing.
11.I feel tense in my stomach.
12.I feel secure.
13.I am concerned about choking under pressure.
14.My body feels relaxed.*
15.I’m confident I can meet the challenged
16.I’m concerned about performing poorly.
17.My heart is racing.
18.I’m confident about performing well.
19.I’m concerned about reaching my goal.
20.I feel my stomach sinking.
21.I feel mentally relaxed.
22.I’m concerned that others will be disappointed with my performance.
23.My hands are clammy.
24.I’m confident because I mentally picture myself reaching my goal.
25.I’m concerned I won’t be able to concentrate.
26.My body feels tight.
27.I’m confident coming through under pressure.
* reverse coded
نسخه بازنگری شده
Revised Competitive State Anxiety–2 (CSAI-2R)
Cox‚ Matthew and Russell
1.    I feel jittery (somatic anxiety‚ 5).
2.    I am concerned that I may not do as well in this competition as I could (cognitive anxiety‚ 7).
3.    I feel self-confident (self-confidence‚ 9).
4.    My body feels tense (somatic anxiety‚ 8).
5.    I am concerned about losing (cognitive anxiety‚ 10).
6.    I feel tense in my stomach (somatic anxiety‚ 11).
7.    I’m confident I can meet the challenge (self-confidence‚ 15).
8.    I am concerned about choking under pressure (cognitive anxiety‚ 13).
9.    My heart is racing (somatic anxiety‚ 17).
10.I’m confident about performing well (self-confidence‚ 18).
11.I’m concerned about performing poorly (cognitive anxiety‚ 16).
12.I feel my stomach sinking (somatic anxiety‚ 20).
13.I’m confident because I mentally picture myself reaching my goal (self-confidence‚24).
14.I’m concerned that others will be disappointed with my performance (cognitive anxiety‚ 22).
15.My hands are clammy (somatic anxiety‚ 23).
16.I’m confident of coming through under pressure (self-confidence‚ 27).
17.My body feels tight (somatic anxiety‚ 26)
شرح سایت روان سنجی: پرسشنامه اضطراب رقابت ورزشی (اضطراب ورزش رقابتی) با سه خرده مقیاس "اضطراب شناختی"، "اضطراب جسمانی" و "عزت نفس" را در ورزش می سنجد.
Cognitive anxiety‚ Somatic anxiety‚ and Self-confidence
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی، آلفا کرونباخ در نسخه 27 ماده ای برای اضطراب شناختی 0.81، اضطراب جسمی 0.82 و عزت نفس 0.88 و در نسخه بازنگری شده به ترتیب 0.83، 0.88 و 0.91
نمره گذاری:
1=Not At All‚ 2=Somewhat‚ 3=Moderately So‚ 4=Very Much So
Cognitive state anxiety: Sum items 1‚ 4‚ 7‚ 10‚ 13‚ 16‚ 19‚ 22‚ and 25.
Somatic state anxiety: Sum items 2‚ 5‚ 8‚ 11‚ 14‚ 17‚ 20‚ 23‚ and 26.
Self-confidence: Sum items 3‚ 6‚ 9‚ 12‚ 15‚ 18‚ 21‚ 24‚ and 27.
Somatic anxiety: 1‚ 4‚ 6‚ 9‚ 12‚ 15‚ 17
Cognitive anxiety: 2‚ 5‚ 8‚ 11‚ 14
Self-confidence: 3‚ 7‚ 10‚ 13‚ 16
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Martens‚ R. (1977). Sport Competition Anxiety Test. Champaign‚ IL: Human Kinetics.
Martens‚ R.‚ Burton‚ D.‚ Rivkin‚ F.‚ & Simon‚ J. (1980). Reliability and validity of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI). In C.H. Nadeau‚ W.C.‚ Halliwell‚ K.M.
Martens‚ R.‚ Vealey‚ R.S.‚ & Burton‚ D. (1990) Competitive anxiety in sport‚ Human Kinetics: Champaign‚ IL.
Cox‚ Rich‎ard H.‚ Martens‚Matthew P.‚ and Russell‚ William D. (2003). Measuring Anxiety in Athletics: The Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory–2. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology‚ 25‚ 519- 533.