Young Children`s Social Desirability Scale

Young Children’s Social Desirability Scale (YCSD)
Ford‚ Rubin‚ 1970
مقیاس مطلوبیت اجتماعی نوجوانان
1.    Do you sometimes play with toys? or
Do you never play with toys?
2.    Do you always play all by yourself? or
Do you sometimes play with other children?
3.    Do you sometimes argue with your mother? or
Do you never argue with your mother?
4.    Are you always polite to older people' or
Are you sometimes not polite to older people?
5.    Do you never shout when you feel angry? or
Do you sometimes shout when you feel angry?
6.    Do you sometimes tell a little lie' or
Do you never tell a little lie?
7.    Do you sometimes hit another boy or girl?
Do you never hit another boy or girl?
8.    Do you always help people? or
Do you sometimes not help people?
9.    Do you never show off to your friends? or
Do you sometimes show off to your friends?
10.Do you sometimes say mean things to people? or
Do you never say mean things to people?
11.Do you sometimes feel like throwing or breaking things? or
Do you never feel like throwing or breaking things?
12.Do you feel that your parents are always right? or
Do you sometimes feel that your parents are not always right?
13.Do you never act naughty' or
Do you sometimes act naughty?
14.Do you sometimes do other things instead of what your teacher tells you to do? or
Do you always do what your teacher tells you to do?
15.Do you sometimes do things you're not supposed to do? or
Do you never do things you're not supposed to do?
16.Do you think your teachers know more than you do? or
Do you think you know more than your teacher does? (I know more)
17.Do you sometimes want things your parents don't want you to have? or
Do you never want things your parents don't want you to have?
18.Does it sometimes bother you when you don't get your way? or
Does It never bother you when you don't get your way?
19.Do you always listen to your parents? or
Do you sometimes not listen to your parents?
20.Do you always wash your hands before every meal? or
Do you sometimes not wash your hands before every meal?
21.Do you never feel like making fun of other people? or
Do you sometimes feel like making fun of other people?
22.Do you sometimes forget to say “please” and “thank you”? or
Do you never forget to say “please” and “thank you”?
23.Does it sometimes bother you to share things with your friends? or
Does it never bother you to share things with your friends?
24.Do you sometimes want to do things your parents tell you not to do?
Do you never want to do things your parents tell you not to do?
25.Do you never get angry? or
Do you sometimes get angry?
26.Are you always nice to people? or
Are you sometimes not nice to people?
27.Do you sometimes not do the right things? Or
Do you always do the right things?
28.Do you always tell the truth? or
Do you sometimes not tell the truth?
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این مقیاس انگیزه عمومی مطابق شدن با تقاضاهای اجتماعی را اندازه گیری می کند.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی، آلفا برای گروه های سنی از 0.51 تا 0.84 گزارش شده است. بازآزمایی پس از پنج هفته 0.58
نمره گذاری: دو ماده نخست برای آماده سازی به کار برده می شود.
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found in: Fischer‚ Joel.‚ Corcoran‚ Kevin J. (2007). Measures for Clinical Practice and research: A sourcebook. (4th ed.). NY. Oxford University Pr. Vol. 1‚ Page (s): 613-615.
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Ford‚ L. H.‚ Rubin‚ B. M. (1970). A Social Desirability Questionnaire for Young Children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology‚ 35(2)‚ 195-204.
Ford‚ L. H.‚ Rubin‚ B. M. (1970). Young Children’s Social Desirability Scale (YCSD). In Fischer‚ Joel.‚ Corcoran‚ Kevin J. (2007). Measures for Clinical Practice and research: A sourcebook. (4th ed.). NY. Oxford University Pr. Vol. 1‚ Page (s): 613-615.
آذر 1402
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