Machiavellianism V Attitude Inventory
Christie and others‚ 1969
سیاهه نگرش به ماکیاول گرایی
A. It takes more imagination to be a successful criminal than a successful business man.
B. The phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" contains a lot of truth.
C. Most men forget more easily the death of their father than the loss of their property.
A. Men are more concerned with the car they drive than with the clothes their wives wear.
B. It is very important that imagination and creativity in children be cultivated.
C. People suffering from incurable diseases should have the choice of being put painlessly to death.
A. Never tell anyone the real reason you did something unless it is useful to do so.
B. The well-being of the individual is the goal that should be worked for before anything else.
C. Once a truly intelligent person makes up his mind about the answer to a problem he rarely continues to think about it.
A. People are getting so lazy and self- indulgent that It is bad for our country.
B. The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear.
C. I t would be a good thing if people were kinder to others less fortunate than themselves.
A. Most people are basically good and kind.
B. The best criteria for a wife or husband is compatibility — other characteristics are nice but not essential.
C. Only after a man has gotten what he wants from life should he concern himself with the injustices in the world.
A. Most people who get ahead in the world lead clean‚ moral lives.
B. Any man worth his salt shouldn't be blamed for putting his career above his family.
C. People would be better off if they were concerned less with how to do things and more with what to do.
A. A good teacher is one who points out unanswered questions rather than gives explicit answers.
B. When you ask someone to do something for you‚ it is be s t to give the real reasons for wanting it rather than giving reasons which might carry more weight.
C. A person's job is the best s ingle guide as to the sort of person he is.
A. The construction of such monumental works as the Egyptian pyramids was worth the enslavement of the workers who built them.
B. Once a way of handling problems has been worked out it is best to stick to it.
C. One should take action only when sure that It is morally right.
A. The world would be a much better place to live in if people would let the future take care of itself and concern themselves only with enjoying the present.
B. It is wise to flatter important people.
C. Once a decision has been made‚ it is best to keep changing it as new circumstances arise.
A. It is a good policy to act as if you are doing the things you do because you have no other choice.
B. The biggest difference between most criminals and other people is that criminals are stupid enough to get caught.
C. Even the most hardened and vicious criminal has a spark of decency somewhere with in him.
A. All in all‚ it is better to be humble and honest than to be important and dishonest.
B. A man who is able and willing to work hard has a good chance of succeeding in whatever he wants to do.
C. I f a thing does not help us in our daily lives‚ It isn't very important.
A. A person shouldn't be punished for breaking a law which he thinks is unreasonable.
B. Too many criminal s are not punished for their crime.
C. There is no excuse for lying to someone else.
A. Generally speaking‚ men won't work hard unless they're forced to do so.
B. Every person is entitled to a second chance‚ even after he commits a serious mistake.
C. People who can't make up their minds aren't worth bothering about.
A. A man's first responsibility is to his wife‚ not his mother.
B. Most men are brave.
C. It's best to pick friends that are intellectually stimulating rather than ones It is comfortable to be around.
A. There are very few people in the world worth concerning oneself about.
B. It is hard to get ahead without cutting corners here and there.
C. A capable person motivated for his own gain is more useful to society than a well-meaning but in effective one.
A. It is best to give others the impression that you can change your mind easily .
B. It is a good working policy to keep on good terms with everyone.
C. Honesty is the best policy in all cases.
A. It is possible to be good in all respects.
B. To help oneself I s good; to help others even better.
C. War and threats of war are unchangeable facts of human life.
A. Barnum was probably right when he said that there's at least one sucker born every minute.
B. Life is pretty dull unless one deliberately stirs up some excitement.
C. Most people would be better off if they controlled their emotions.
A. Sensitivity to the feelings of others is worth more than poise in social situations.
B. The ideal society is one where everybody knows his place and accepts it.
C. It is safest to assume that all people have a vicious streak and it will come out when they are given a chance.
A. People who talk about abstract problems usually don't know what they are talking about.
B. Anyone who completely trusts anyone else is asking for trouble.
C. It is essential for the functioning of a democracy that everyone votes.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار نگرش به شیوه ماکیاولیستی را می سنجد. مقیاس IV با طیف لیکرت و این ابزار گزینه بایست است.
اعتبار: عدد 0.60 در منبع زیر آمده است.
نمره گذاری: پاسخ دهنده باید هر گزاره را با + یا – مشخص کند.
most true‚ most false
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Christie‚ R. and others. (1968). Unpublished manuscript‚ Department of Social Psychology‚ Columbia University.
Robinson‚ John P.‚ Shaver‚ Phillip R. (1969). Measures of Political Attitudes. Institute for Social Research‚ University of Michigan/. Ann Arbor‚ Michigan
Christie‚ R.‚ and F. L. Geis. (1970) "How devious are you? Take the Machiavelli test to find out." Journal of Management in Engineering 15.4: 17
Christie‚ R. & Geis‚ F. (1970) "Studies in Machiavellianism". NY: Academic Press.
Corral‚ Susana and Calvete‚ Esther. (2000). Machiavellianism: Dimensionality of the Mach IV and its Relation to Self-Monitoring in a Spanish Sample. The Spanish Journal of Psychology The Spanish Journal of Psychology‚ 3(1); 3-13