work and social adjustment scale

work and social adjustment scale (w&sas)
People's problems sometimes affect their ability to do certain day-to-day tasks in their lives. To rate your problems look at each section and determine on the scale provided how much your problem impairs your ability to carry out the activity.                                                                                                                                        
1.)   work if you are retired or choose not to have a job for reasons unrelated to your problem‚ please tick here
 0              1              2              3              4              5              6              7             8
not at all              slightly                  definitely                markedly               very severely
                                                                                                                               I cannot work
2.)   home management cleaning‚ tidying‚ shopping‚ cooking‚ looking after home/children‚ paying bills etc
 0              1              2              3              4              5              6              7             8
not at all              slightly                  definitely                markedly               very severely
3.) social leisure activities with other people‚ e.g. parties‚ pubs‚ outings‚ entertaining etc
 0              1              2              3              4              5              6              7             8
not at all              slightly                  definitely                markedly               very severely
4.) private leisure activitiesdone alone‚ e.g. reading‚ gardening‚ sewing‚ hobbies‚ walking etc
 0              1              2              3              4              5              6              7             8
not at all              slightly                  definitely                markedly               very severely
5.) family and relationshipsform and maintain close relationships with others including the people that I live with
 0              1              2              3              4              5              6              7             8
not at all              slightly                  definitely                markedly               very severely
Work & social adjustment scale (W&SAS) - this is another IAPT measure that's recommended for regular use.  It assesses problems in functioning with work‚ home management‚ social leisure activities‚ private leisure activities‚ and family & relationships (all on 0 to 8 scales).  The measure (along with other details) appears on page 66 of the "toolkit".  Again I've produced a downloadable handout as a Word doc & as a PDF file with associated scoring suggestions‚ again as a Word doc or a PDF file
سایت روان سنجی : این آزمون و آگاهی های آن از نشانی زیر استخراج شده است.