Safe Place Fall Youth Survey
مطالعه بازپروری جوانان
شرح: این ابزار، ترکیبی از چند مقیاس است که برای مطالعه در بازپروری ها به کار گرفته می شود. هر یک از مقیاس ها جداگانه در سایت روان سنجی ارائه شده است.
1. About You
This first set of questions ask some general information about you.
1. How old are you?
2. What is your sex?
3. In what grade are you?
4. What is your race?
5. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
6. What is your sexual orientation?
These questions ask your opinion about certain things‚ and request that you reveal how you feel about them. Please answer each one by filling in at least one circle or box.
2. Social and Emotional Learning
7. How important is it to you that in the future....
Point values are assigned as follows: Very important‚ Important‚ Somewhat important‚ Not at all important
You will graduate from high school?
You will go to college?
You will have a job that pays well?
You will stay in good health?
You will do community work or volunteer work?
You will have good friends you can count on?
8. Indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with these statements about yourself.
Point values are assigned as follows: Strongly agree‚ Agree‚ Strongly disagree‚ Disagree
In general‚ you are satisfied with yourself.
At times you think you are no good at all.
You feel that you have a number of good qualities.
You can do things as well as most other people.
You feel you do not have much to be proud of.
You feel useless at times.
You feel that you are at least as good as other people.
You wish you could have more respect for yourself.
Sometimes you think of yourself as a bad person.
9. How often would you make the following statements?
Point values are assigned as follows: Never‚ Seldom‚ Sometimes‚ Often‚ Always
I can listen to others.
Kids I don't like can have good ideas.
I get upset when my friends are sad.
I trust people who are not my friends.
I am sensitive to other people's feelings‚ even if they are not my friends.
3. Attitudes Toward Guns and Violence
This set of questions asks about your feelings and attitudes concerning guns and violence. If you do not want to answer an item‚ leave it blank. But please try to answer all items as best you can by filling in at least one circle or box.
Point values are assigned as follows: Agree‚ Not Sure‚ Disagree
10. You've got to fight to show people you're not a wimp.
11. If someone disrespects me‚ have to fight them to get my pride back.
12. Carrying a gun makes people feel safe.
13. Carrying a gun makes people feel powerful and strong.
14. If people are nice to me I'll be nice to them‚ but if someone stops me from getting what I want‚ they'll pay for it bad.
15. I'd like to have a gun so that people would liik up to me.
16. I wish there weren't any guns in my neighborhood.
17. I bet it would feel real cool to walk down the street with a gun in my pocket.
18. I'd feel awful inside if someone laughed at me and I didn't fight them.
19. The people I respect would never go around with a gun because they're against hurting people
20. I think it would be fun to play around with a real gun.
21. If someone insults me or my family‚ it really bothers me‚ but if I beat them up‚ that makes me feel better.
22. If somebody insults you‚ and you don't want to be a chump‚ you have to fight.
23. I don't like people who have guns because they might kill someone.
24. A kid who doesn't get even with someone who makes fun of him is a sucker.
25. Belonging to a gang makes kids feel safe because they've got people to back them up.
26. If I acted the way teachers think I should out on the street‚ people would think I was weak and I'd get pushed around.
27. I wish everyone would get rid of all their guns.
28. I don't like being around people with guns because someone could end up getting hurt.
29. Kids in gangs feel like they're part of something powerful.
4. Beliefs About Conflict
These questions ask you to think about certain situations and how you feel about them. Please answer each question by filling in at least one circle describing whether you agree or disagree with a statement or are unsure. Remember‚ your answers are confidential. This means your answers will stay secret.
Point values are assigned as follows: Never‚ Sometimes‚ Always‚ Not sure
30. Threatening to use a weapon is an effective way to avoid a physical fight.
31. Avoiding or walking away from someone who wants to fight is an effective way to avoid a physical fight.
32. Carrying a weapon is an effective way to avoid a physical fight.
33. Apologizing (saying you’re sorry) is an effective way to avoid a physical fight.
5. Attitudes Towards Drugs and Alcohol Use
The next section asks about your experience with alcohol and other drugs. Please answer each question by filling in at least one circle or box.
Point values are assigned as follows: Very Wrong‚ Wrong ‚ A little bit wrong‚ Not wrong at all
34. How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to drink beer‚ wine or hard liquor (e.g.‚ vodka‚ whiskey‚ or gin) regularly?
35. How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to smoke cigarettes?
36. How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to smoke marijuana?
37. How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to use crack cocaine‚ powder cocaine‚ heroin‚ amphetamines or another illegal drug?
38. How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they take one or two drinks of alcohol nearly every day?
No risk‚ Slight risk‚ Moderate risk‚ Great risk
39. How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to use smokeless tobacco?
Very Wrong‚ Wrong ‚ A little bit wrong‚ Not wrong at all
40. Think back over the LAST TWO WEEKS. How many times have you had five or more drinks in a row?
None‚ Once‚ Twice‚ 3-5 times‚ 6-9 times‚ 10 or more times
6. Drugs and Alcohol
41. How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to use pills or other medications that were prescribed for someone else?
Very Wrong‚ Wrong ‚ A little bit wrong‚ Not wrong at all
42. During the past 30 days‚ how many times did you use marijuana?
0 times‚ 1 or 2 times‚ 3 to 9 times‚ 10 to 19 times‚ 20 to 39 times‚ 40 or more times
43. How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke marijuana regularly?
No risk‚ Slight risk‚ Moderate risk‚ Great risk
44. I have made a promise to myself that I will not drink alcohol.
Strongly agree‚ Agree‚ Disagree‚ Strongly disagree
45. Think back over the LAST TWO WEEKS. How many times have you had marijuana?
Strongly agree‚ Agree‚ Disagree‚ Strongly disagree
46. I have made a final decision to stay away from marijuana.
Strongly agree‚ Agree‚ Disagree‚ Strongly disagree
47. Think back over the LAST TWO WEEKS. How many times did you use any form of cocaine‚ including powder‚ crack‚ or freebase?
None‚ Once‚ Twice‚ 3-5 times‚ 6-9 times‚ 10 or more times
7. Gang Participation
This next section asks questions about your knowledge‚ experience and opinion about gangs and gang participation.
Please answer each question by filling in at least one circle.
48. How serious do you think gang activities are in your neighborhood?
Very serious‚ Somewhat serious‚ Not serious
49. I think you are safer‚ and have protection‚ if you join a gang.
Items 49-57; Point values are assigned as follows: Not true for me‚ True for me
50. I will probably join a gang.
51. Some of my friends at school belong to gangs.
52. I think it's cool to be in a gang.
53. My friends would think less of me if I joined a gang.
54. I believe it is dangerous to join a gang; you will probably end up getting hurt or killed if you belong to a gang.
55. I think being in a gang makes it more likely that you will get into trouble.
56. Some people in my family belong to a gang‚ or used to belong to a gang.
57. I belong to a gang.
8. Police Contact
These questions are about your experience with the police. Please answer each one by filling in at least one circle or box. Where indicated‚ complete the question by checking multiple boxes for all responses that apply.
58. During the past 30 days‚ if you have had any contact with a Milwaukee Police officer‚ what were the reasons for the contact? (Check all that apply)
I did not have any contact with a Milwaukee Police officer during the past 30 days.
I was stopped and questioned about a crime
I was warned about doing something
I shouldn’t have been doing
I reported a crime
I asked for directions or other assistance
I was arrested
I was stopped and searched
I was there when someone else was
Questioned or arrested
59. During the last 12 months‚ if you have had any contact with a Milwaukee Police officer‚ what were the reasons for the contact? (Check all that apply)
I did not have any contact with a Milwaukee Police officer during the past 12 months.
I was stopped and questioned about a crime
I was warned about doing something
I shouldn’t have been doing
I reported a crime
I asked for directions or other assistance
I was arrested
I was stopped and searched
I was there when someone else was
Questioned or arrested
60. Do you feel you were treated with respect by the Milwaukee Police officer during this/these encounter(s)?
I didn’t have contact with a Milwaukee Police officer
Most of the time
Some of the time
9. Youth Satisfaction Survey
Now‚ you will be asked some questions about how you feel about the Safe Place afterschool program you are attending.
61. For how long have you been going to the Safe Place youth center you are attending now?
1-2 months‚ 3-6 months‚ 7-10 months‚ 1 year‚ Over 1 year
62. On average‚ how often do you visit the Safe Place youth center you are attending now?
Daily‚ Once a week‚ 2-3 times/week‚ 2-3 times/month‚ Once in awhile
63. The program has helped me to feel better about myself.
Strongly Agree‚ Somewhat Agree‚ Somewhat Disagree‚ Disagree‚ Strongly Disagree
64. I like coming to this program.
Strongly Agree‚ Somewhat Agree‚ Somewhat Disagree‚ Disagree‚ Strongly Disagree
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